Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please Accept With Apologies

It was brought to my attention yesterday at Skip's retirement reception that I had left out information about former MCCA President Margie Bowman (Ray) running for an at large seat on the board of the Missouri Association of Counties.

I apologize to Margie for the error and invite you to call her in Ray County to find out how you can help get her elected to the MAC board.

In the future if you happen to see important facts that I have left out of a story please let me know, either by phone or better yet by clicking the comment bar at the bottom of each story, and I will either make a correction or explain the reason why I may have left them out.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Notes From Last Week's Meeting

A good number of collector's attended last week's veto session legislative meeting at the Capital Plaza in Jeff City.

Thanks to Pam Shipley (Cass) for passing along these notes from the meeting. Pam writes, "For those of you who could not attend the collector's meeting on Wednesday, we missed seeing you there. We discussed tax sale issues and the Secretary (Janice Varner, Barry) recorded several questions that were presented. The Executive Board said they would research the issues and answer all the questions raised at conference next April.

Pam also said she asked Secretary Varner to send out a copy of the minutes so that those of us who could not attend could read up on the days activities. Janice said she would try and get that done ASAP.

News also came out that Debbi McGinnis (Polk) is running for a term as the Missouri Association of Counties Treasurer. The votes will be cast and counted at the annual MAC conference this November.

In order to cast your vote you must attend the MAC conference and be a registered voting delegate. I'm sure Debbie would be more than happy to field a phone call and inquiry about how you can help her get elected. Debbie is an active member of NACCTFO (National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers, and Financial Officers) and has also actively served in various capacities with MAC. Let's do all we can to help Debbie.

Steve Holt (Jasper) was also recognized. This past spring/summer Steve was elected Treasurer of NACCTFO. Personally I am glad Steve has found something to keep himself busy. Being a collector of a first class county, arranging for accommodations and planning for our conference and meetings, designing and printing our directories, a Husband and a Dad just wasn't enough. Congratulations Steve!

I'll update news from the most recent meeting after receiving the minutes from Janice.

Saying Goodbye

Word is out of the coming retirement of one of the associations longest serving members.

Skip Rich (Cole) will serve his final day in office October 2nd. Skip is one of just two collector's to hold office in Cole County since WWII. A Past President of our association Skip has lended his talents to countless causes and after serving the better part of three decades has played a role in getting most if not all legislation passed that effects those of us in office today (i.e. CERF, Tax Maintenance Fund and others).

Skip's most recent accomplishment was serving his country during the current conflict in Iraq. Skip missed over a year of a recent term as he was stationed in Texas preparing our service men and women for deployment to the middle east.

I doubt you ever sat and wondered how Skip felt about a particular issue and whether you agreed or not with his take on a given subject. There is no way you could think Skip wanted anything more than to make things better for all of us who serve in office.

Skip will definitely leave the association in better shape than he found it and like the troops he prepared to fight overseas, he can't control how we as collector's perform in the future. He can only reflect on a legacy of knowing he instilled in us the importance of making the sacrifice to leave things better than when we arrived.

A retirement reception is planned to honor Skip. The event is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., September 25, in the Cole County Courthouse Annex. The annex is located at 311 E. High Street in Jefferson City.

Hope to see you there on the 25th.

If you would like to leave Skip a send-off message click "comments" at the bottom of this story and I will post your response as soon as I receive it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sad News

I am informed that the Mother of Harrison County Collector/Treasurer Julia Alexander Harris has passed away.

Visitation for Kathryn Breit will be Thursday, September 6th, from 7:00-8:30 at the Prugh-Dunfee Funeral Home in Grant City, Missouri.

The address for the funeral home is:

Prugh-Dunfee Funderal Home
200 S. Front
Grant City, MO 64456.

Funeral services will be This Friday (Sept 7) at 2:00, at the Parnell United Methodist Church, Parnell, Missouri.

Our thoughts are with Julia.