Sunday, April 29, 2007

Did You Forget Something?

So you think sexual harassment should be graded...not reported? Well, you obviously missed the gist of the conference seminar dealing with that very topic.

If there is a certain element of the conference you wish you could revisit to clarify a point, contact Polk County Collector and Chief Videographer Debbi McGinnis. Debbi can hook you up with the segment of your choice for just $10.

Debbi can also supply you with a complete set of conference sessions.

Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hello and welcome to my attempt to keep Collectors from the MCCA informed on events and happenings within the association. You all have my email address in the new listing handed out at conference.

If you have a birth, death, note to pass along anything you want other MCCA members to know, send me an email and I will add it pronto!!

I want to compile a list of zap me yours to my email and I will list them by the month..possibly the week...and if the site gets enough hits we can do it on the day of your birthday. I won't list your age...unless I am paid to do so!!!

Its an all everything information page..however I will add that my jokes and personal thoughts are intended only in a light hearted manner and for my own amusement. Please don't take them personally!

This is my own page and is NOT an official blog or site of the MCCA!!

Friday, April 27, 2007

Ice Cream Social

Lets all plan to attend the annual ice cream social in the rotunda. We'll bring the aprons and scoops...all you need to bring is a smile!!

May 9th is the date when we'll scoop up gallons of ice cream for legislators and staff. Most of us are off on May 8th (Truman day) so come early meet us for dinner that Tuesday night and then we'll scoop em up on the 9th. We usually get started about noon and typically get back on the road by 2:00.

A block of rooms at a reduced rate is available..make sure to tell them you're with the association. Call soon to make your reservations! Of course the 16 newcomers are's impossible to have too many in attendance as we rotate scoopers. Great time to see your legislator before the final days of the session!!

See you there!

Joke of the Week

I guess you know the F.C.C. has banned the use of cell phones on all airplanes. The commission responded to tens of thousands of letters asking for the ban to remain in place.

Passengers said the phone conversations made it difficult to hear which other airport their luggage had been sent to............

When polled about the most annoying parts of air travel, passengers ranked listening to someone elses conversation as number two...just under the number one most annoying response which was crashing into the side of a mountain.....

The F.C.C. didn't ban everything...saying you are still allowed to kick the hell out of the seat in front of you.......

Conference Banquet

The annual conference banquet was held Wednesday night at the Jefferson City Country Club. Outgoing President Jimmy Platt (Bates) and past presidents passed the gavel to incoming President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton).

Duke Mason ( entertained with his array of Elvis, 50's & 60's, County, and Gospel songs. It was the second straight year Duke has provided the entertainment and I think he left more un-forgettable images the second time around. Duke left to a standing ovation and came back for multiple encores.

Duke earned his money as he nervously interacted with Julie Tracy (Worth), who kept Duke in a nervous sweat.

My question is this, how can we not invite Duke back.....but why would Duke come back? Surely he will bring a body guard in year #3!!!

2007 Annual Conference

Was good to see all 114 Missouri County Collectors at the 2007 annual conference held at the Capital Plaza Hotel the week of April 23-26.

16 new collectors were welcomed to the association and while new to the elected office most have spent many years as deputies which should help make for a seamless transition and allow them to quickly make a contribution to the association.

The newcomers had an opening session on Monday where they got to know each other, network with many collectors who showed up at the conference earlier than required, and were brought up to speed on the auditing process by Tom Kremer of the Missouri State Auditors Office.

Kremer also spoke to the entire association on Wednesday. The entire association had a chance to hear seminars on topics such as sexual harassment, bankruptcies (with Western District Trustee Richard Fink), and TIF's.

The association appreciates the efforts of 2006-2007 President Jimmy Platt of Bates County and welcomes Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) who takes over the reigns for 2007-2008. Sharon will be assisted by 1st Vice President Linda Emmons (Franklin), 2nd Vice President David Erwin (Adair) and 3rd Vice President Debbi McGinnis (Polk).