Saturday, April 28, 2007


Hello and welcome to my attempt to keep Collectors from the MCCA informed on events and happenings within the association. You all have my email address in the new listing handed out at conference.

If you have a birth, death, note to pass along anything you want other MCCA members to know, send me an email and I will add it pronto!!

I want to compile a list of zap me yours to my email and I will list them by the month..possibly the week...and if the site gets enough hits we can do it on the day of your birthday. I won't list your age...unless I am paid to do so!!!

Its an all everything information page..however I will add that my jokes and personal thoughts are intended only in a light hearted manner and for my own amusement. Please don't take them personally!

This is my own page and is NOT an official blog or site of the MCCA!!

1 comment:

Lewis Co. Collector said...

Hi Jim,

The blog is a great idea!! Look forward to reading it daily.