Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tax Sale Update

Been a while since we've shared how the tax sale process is coming along. We've passed several deadlines and we are no longer accepting 2005 payments with personal checks. The only deadline left is to stay out of the publications. So, without a doubt the final push is on.

Heading into today's business we have 273 eligible properties. Here's how the countdown has gone as reported in this blog.

May 10- 471 properties

May 21- 375

May 29- 354

June 5- 329

June 26- 273

I guess we're getting there. We are behind pace from this date a year ago and we've never gone to sale with more than 44 so we need to make up some ground.

I think a newspaper article has either been published in the last few days or will be published soon and that always seems to help.

Stay tuned and as always click the comments section and give us an update on how your tax sale numbers are progressing.

JOKE Of The Week

Those three former Duke Lacrosse players wrongly accused of raping a stripper at a wild beer bash have been compensated by the University in an undisclosed monetary amount.

The players say they hope this helps bring closure to the ordeal that left a black eye on the university and the justice system.

To bring further closure the players are holding a free beer bash complete with strippers.

District Attorney Mike Nifong has been disbarred for his errors in prosecuting the players. He has apologized and wants to make right. So he has volunteered to appear at the bash and act as the human pinata.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Free Preview

Hey all, in conjunction with Tipton Systems, who was a vendor at conference, I am hosting a one afternoon preview of new check scanning equipment that is catching on in popularity.

Jill Rodenhofer of Tipton will be the featured guest. Jill will show off equipment that allows us to scan our daily checks and send them directly to the bank for deposit in our account.

Our depository is just now getting the technological updates it needs to accept these types of transactions. Even if it's for down the road consideration it might be fun to see. Jill has sent invites to area counties but know that you are welcomed too.

The display day is set for Tuesday, July 10th, starting at 1:30 in the afternoon. Come on down and see the large two wall mural on the main floor of the courthouse.

If you are coming to the event leave me a message in the comment section of this article and I will pass the info along to Jill.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Birthday Addition

We learned at the conference that Donna Nash (Platte) is celebrating a birthday this month and I would like to add her to my list of June birthdays.

Donna's birthday is actually today! June 21, which means there will be more sunlight for her birthday party than any other birthday party through the year.

Happy summer solstice birthday to Donna!

Let me ask you this. If your birthday falls on daylight savings day are you a year younger in the Spring and a year older in the Fall?

Joke Of The Week

Due to travels to and from Jeff City I did not post a joke of the week. I know, you're heart broken.

I already have next week's joke in my head and will have it posted at its regularly scheduled time of Tuesday Morning.

Thank you, and have a laugh today!

Legislative Meeting (Wednesday)

All in attendance gathered Wednesday morning for the scheduled legislative meeting.

Current President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) chaired the event and after a brief welcome introduced Past President Margie Bowman (Ray) who introduced her special guest Trish Vincent.

Trish is the Director of the Department of Revenue who apologized for the email sent out last week about the counties who provide tax records to DOR so that taxpayers can go to the Fee Agent Office for tags without needing their paid personal property tax receipt.

Trish said the DOR appreciates those counties who are involved in that program and said that the reason they are still asking taxpayers to bring their receipts is because having them is faster than looking it up, and in the event the system is down, the taxpayer can still be helped without being sent to the courthouse for a duplicate.

We basically learned for a variety of reasons the program, of which, about 40 of us participate in is not perfect. We received a pledge from Ms. Vincent that free agents will make every effort to look up records on line but asked that we continue to urge taxpayers to take the receipt with them and to emphasize it will make their stay at the fee agent office a shorter one.

I felt like Ms. Vincent and the Collector's in attendance left with a better understanding of the programs deficiencies and the difficulties both sides deal with as a result.

Legislative Chair Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell) and MCCA Governmental Consultant Mark Ausmus who made brief comments regarding the ebb and flow of various bills we were tracking as an association. Mainly SB 22 which was the county omnibus bill and dealt with the compensation for municipal collections. Of course you will remember and maybe followed the progress of the bill here, that the bill passed, however the collection language was removed before being finally agreed to.

There was no major legislation passed that will have an impact on our offices for the coming year.

Thanks was given to Mark and Mark in turn thanked those of us who spent time at the Capital during the closing weeks of session. Mark indicates that while there is some sitting and waiting for the firehouse alarm to sound, that when it comes time for action having the bodies available to implement a plan makes a big difference, in most cases, in the outcome of an issue.

Some of the legislation we attempted to get passed but failed to do so, including the protection of taxpayer records from being acquired under the Sunshine Law and then resold by a company for commercial uses is still alive for next session. Several groups who opposed the language of last years bill indicate they understand where we are coming from and will work with us this summer to develop language they can live with. So the point is, work is already underway for the next session which will convene in January of 2008.

After lunch the meeting was adjourned.

Legislative Meeting

Was nice to see those who attended this weeks legislative review in Jefferson City.

On Tuesday 1st and 2nd class counties met for a round table discussion of items of interest and possible solutions to the problems.

We discussed the issue that emerged last week with the Department of Revenue. (We later heard from Director Trish Vincent on Wednesday).

We discussed phone calls we get from Land America representatives who are obviously from a foreign country, are difficult to understand, ask a ton of questions, and often call more than once about the same property. Ruthane Small (Johnson) will be making contact with Land America to see if there is something that can be done to remedy the situation. Among the solutions discussed were handling tax amount items via email or fax, or demanding they use our websites (if you have one) to look up tax amounts on their own.

Discussion Moderator Pam Shipley (Cass) voiced concern about communication and action regarding getting updates done on the websites of those who use Official Payments, Inc as their online collection company.

Pam asked how many used official payments for any purpose whether on-line or for credit card purposes and will be asking that Official Payments schedule a user meeting where those of you who use their company can get together and talk about the future. I understand if you're interested in using Official Payments, Inc. that you would be welcomed at the meeting as well. To be clear however, the meeting is designed for current users, not necessarily as a means of increasing participation from any county not currently with them.

We heard that most of us scratch are heads regarding enforcement of Merchant Licenses, how to increase the numbers of them, and what to do if someone is billed and refuses to pay. Some make trips through the county for spot checks, others receive lists of new businesses from their municipalities and chambers of commerce.

Christopher Williams (Jackson) talked about steps he takes to make efforts to contact owners of potential tax sale eligible properties and told us he and his assessor use assessor office staff to physically visit each tax sale property and take a digital picture of notice being posted that the property will be offered for auction due to delinquent taxes. That obviously made most of us gasp, however many of us have pending lawsuits that stem from arguments as to whether or not we (or tax sale buyers) went far enough in making sure an owner had been duly notified. Chris indicated he believed it may be time to look at tax sale statutes for possible revisions.

Thanks to Pam for organizing the meeting on Tuesday and before adjourning we informally decided to have our next one in an exotic, warm, tropical climate at a location that has umbrellas in their refreshments.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Joke Of The Week

In the news today another scientific breakthrough from the animal kingdom.

After extensive research scientists say they have confirmed chimpanzee's learn and share techniques on how to fiddle with gadgets...they also pass on customs and culture..just as humans do...

The evidence came to light when the scientists witnessed the chimps using the remote to turn off Rosie O'Donnell and The View.

Scientists say these findings represent traits shared by our common ancestors more than five million years ago...

That probably explains, after all those years, how chimps from generation to generation are able to perform the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil signs.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Legislative Meeting

Received notice from Pam Shipley (Cass) of a meeting for collectors from 1st and 2nd class counties that will be held before the board meeting in Jeff City next week.

The 1st and 2nd class meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 19th, at 2:00, check the hotel for room location.

Please let Pam know whether you will be attending, if you're unable to attend please notify her that I am allowed to have your cookie!

It might also be a good idea to give her an idea or two about what you want to discuss.

See you on the 19th!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Online Look Up

I was disappointed today to receive an email from the D.O.R. regarding the online taxpayer look up program approximately 40 counties take part in. The D.O.R. now says the online look up feature was intended as a back-up in case a taxpayer didn't arrive with his/her paid receipt.

Shortly after entering office on March 3, 2003 I had two visits from suits from D.O.R. urging me to get with the times. They pointed out Jasper County is online and since we both have taxpayers in Joplin it didn't make sense for some Joplin residents to be able to benefit from the program while others still could not renew from the comforts of home. The second visit I was sold on the fact that it would be a great customer service tool for me and it would cut down on counter traffic for people needing a duplicate receipt.

Finally after Governor Blunt changed the fee agent structure my two fee agent's approached me urging me to come on board and make life easier for all of us. $850 dollar in programming costs later I was thrilled to see the smile on the face of each taxpayer we informed telling them that renewing their tags just became easier!

I also called D.O.R. at one point this winter because I was informed that some area fee agents refused to look up the taxes online despite admitting that every fee agent office in the state was required to be online with Jeff City. D.O.R. told me they could not force a fee agent to utilize the online system and that if they chose to require a receipt that was their option. So I said your department can force them to be online, ask me to spend almost a thousand dollars in programming, but you can;t force them to look up the paid status. His reply was something to the effect of, "As silly as that sounds, that's true!"

Now we seem to have seen a small rash (NOT like Paris Hilton's) of taxpayers who have been sent on a 40 minute round trip from Joplin to get a waiver from us when in 2006 they had lived in Jasper County AND had a 2006 paid receipt. But because they didn't owe tax in Newton they were told they needed a waiver indicating that. When we inform them that that is not how the system works it ends up making both offices look like we don't know whats going on. I assumed it was a new employee that maybe didn't understand the waiver system and the problem would fix itself soon. Until today and now I am putting two and two together.

So what's the solution? I think we for sure need to discuss it at the June 20 meeting in Jeff City. Until then, if you have an idea or thought or comment click the comment link at the end of this story and I'll post some discussion for others to see.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Credit Cards

O.K...I've been in office almost 4 1/2 years and I am considering making the transition to accepting credit card payments over the counter.

The office did so years ago. The program lasted about two weeks until the first snag came along and mt predecessor called the company and told them to busta move back here and get their equipment.

So I am asking for feedback. Click the comments portion under this story and let me know what county you're from, whether you accept credit card payments over the counter, who your processing company is and what rate customers pay.

Thanks very much and I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Legislative Meeting

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming legislative meeting scheduled for 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 20, 2007, at the Capital Plaza.

Legislative Chairman Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell) is expected to give us a run down as to legislation that impacts our offices. Legislative Consultant Mark Ausmus will most likely be on hand as well.

Steve Holt (Jasper) has arranged for a block of rooms at the Capital Plaza. Make sure when you make your reservations to let them know you're with the MCCA so you can enjoy the low $69.01 room rate.

Tax Sale Update

Entering today's business we were down to 329 eligible parcels. How is your tax sale preps going? Send me a note in the comment section by clicking "comments" at the bottom of this story.

Joke Of The Week

It's day two for Paris Hilton as she serves time in jail for a parole violation. In case you're not familiar with the story Paris apparently enjoys having a few drinks before getting behind the wheel.

Hilton who attended the MTV Movie Awards just hours before turning herself in said she was actually looking forward to serving her time..as she heard the jail was full of bars!

Controversy continues to surround the young boy from Alabama who claims to have hunted down a wild hog that weighed more than 1,000 pounds. Many believe pictures of the hog were doctored and no such animal exists.

Oddly enough, down in Australia a man is fighting the same type of controversy. he recently bagged a toad that weighed over 20 pounds and was the size of a small dog.

Though no pictures exist the man swears he saw the toad hike its leg on a fire hydrant.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Labor Laws

May 29th, 2007 may turn out to be a day that has a lasting impact on Missouri employers and county governments alike. The developments took place in Jefferson City and while the initial blast was soundless the repercussions could be heard from Maryville to Cape Girardeau and from Kirksville to Joplin.

Missouri Association of Counties Legal Counsel Ivan Schraeder has come out with his take on the Missouri Supreme Courts ruling that overturns Missouri labor laws as we know them.

The 5-2 decision overturns controlling laws that date back to 1947.

"All public employees now have the right to bargain collectively. He warns that there could be immediate and severe financial costs to county government. Here is a brief look at what Schraeder says is at risk on our level of government."

He adds, "The Court ruled that teachers have a right to bargain even though they are excluded from the coverage of the current Meet & Confer law. By extension, it can be expected that all police officers will also have the right to bargaining collectively, even though also excluded by current state statute.The Court also seemed to say that there can be no exclusions for persons who are employed even though they perform a management function or are supervisors or are confidential workers involved in bargaining."

"County government will be significantly affected because of the number of independently elected officeholders and the limited countywide control that county commissions have over employment-related decisions."

Schraeder advises counties to begin game planning immediately yet remain flexible as the Legislature will surely address the topic during the next session.

If you didn't receive an email from MAC regarding this decision and would like one you can call Assistant Director of MAC Mary Ellen Brennan and get on their mailing list or I can send one to you if you leave a request in the comments section at the end of this story.

Happy Birthday

It's the start of a new month and I am aware of a couple birthdays we have in the next few weeks.

June Grooms ( Caldwell) will celebrate next week on June 7th.

Carol Nauman (Cooper) waits till the end of the month her birthday is June 30th.

If you haven't sent in your birthday click the comments section at the bottom of this story and give me your name, county, and birthday. I promise not to tell the year born!!! Unless someone bribes me to tell.