Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Joke Of The Week

It's day two for Paris Hilton as she serves time in jail for a parole violation. In case you're not familiar with the story Paris apparently enjoys having a few drinks before getting behind the wheel.

Hilton who attended the MTV Movie Awards just hours before turning herself in said she was actually looking forward to serving her time..as she heard the jail was full of bars!

Controversy continues to surround the young boy from Alabama who claims to have hunted down a wild hog that weighed more than 1,000 pounds. Many believe pictures of the hog were doctored and no such animal exists.

Oddly enough, down in Australia a man is fighting the same type of controversy. he recently bagged a toad that weighed over 20 pounds and was the size of a small dog.

Though no pictures exist the man swears he saw the toad hike its leg on a fire hydrant.

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