Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tax Sale Update

Been a while since we've shared how the tax sale process is coming along. We've passed several deadlines and we are no longer accepting 2005 payments with personal checks. The only deadline left is to stay out of the publications. So, without a doubt the final push is on.

Heading into today's business we have 273 eligible properties. Here's how the countdown has gone as reported in this blog.

May 10- 471 properties

May 21- 375

May 29- 354

June 5- 329

June 26- 273

I guess we're getting there. We are behind pace from this date a year ago and we've never gone to sale with more than 44 so we need to make up some ground.

I think a newspaper article has either been published in the last few days or will be published soon and that always seems to help.

Stay tuned and as always click the comments section and give us an update on how your tax sale numbers are progressing.

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