Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Joke Of The Week

The Space Shuttle Endeavor is scheduled for an evening lift off from Florida.

The lift off had been delayed by a leaky valve in the cabin.....and to give astronauts time to recover after learning that past references to Jack Daniels weren't about an astronaut.

Of course the revelation being made last week that some space pilots have taken flight drunk...there won't be any of that this time around as a teacher will be on board. Barbara Morgan is a teacher turned astronaut...her crew mates are glad to have her on board....but have asked her not to delay their experiments with a pop quiz.

Have you ever heard the one about the guy..the monkey and the airplane??

No really...this week a guy flying from Peru to the U.S. smuggled a monkey onto the flight by hiding the fist sized primate under his hat.

Nobody noticed!! Until a passenger saw the monkey hanging on the guy's ponytail. As you can imagine customs agents weren't pleased....the guy might face charges...sounds like the monkey is headed for a zoo...but only if they find he's not a member of Al Qaeda.

The smuggling is also expected to spark debate on Capital the same argument of whether amnesty should be granted to illegals who find work in this country.

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