Friday, August 31, 2007

Tax Sale Follow-up

I've felt blessed to not have more than 45 or so properties each year since 2003. But while thinking about Monday's sale and how things went and mulling over whether we need to change anything about our approach and presentation I got to thinking how nice it would be to not have a sale at all.

That led me then to wondering who had the fewest properties to offer? I think Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell, had 3 in 2006), Jeanette Ronchetto(Macon) left a message late last week that they were down to 8 with hopes of trimming the total to five.

If you wouldn't mind responding give me your name, county and total number of parcels you offered at this year's sale. Also, feel free to leave a note about what single thing you do that you believe plays a role in getting you down to your final number.

Click the comment button at the bottom of this story and I will publish your response ASAP.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had 5 Parcels....I do call neighbor's to see if they are interested. I also, have a mini-title search done to identify any mortgages.