Wednesday, August 29, 2007

TGIO Means Thank God It's Over!

Here's the final numbers from this years delinquent land tax auction.

We took 45 properties and sold 42 with 3 no bids.

We also took 5 properties to auction on behalf of two of our municipalities. 4 of those sold with 1 no bid.

In all $31, 228.69 county tax dollars were collected while $406.38 was collected for the cities. We also deposited over $26,000 into the school fund.

15 different people purchased property at Monday's sale.

Numbers looked bleak going into last Friday as we had 82 eligible parcels. We had 31 pay Friday and 6 more pay the morning of the sale to get us to our starting point. The 45 we took to auction was the highest number (by one) that we've offered since my first sale in 2003.

How did you do at your sale? Everyone wants to know. Click the word "comments" and I will get your response published ASAP.


Anonymous said...

In Lewis County, we offered four properties. Sold two, with two no bids.

Anonymous said...

In Lincoln County we had 14 parcels offerrd for sale. We sold all 14. We had 24 registered buyers with half of them first time bidders. I was very pleased with my first sale.