Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Entertainment news......Ball State University is naming its new mass communications building after famed alum David Letterman....The long time late night talk show host graduated from Ball State in 1970.

The school says naming the new building after Dave is a no brainer....after all the design plans for the building include two wings separated by a gap in the front.

We've known for a long time that American astronauts have been known for "having the right stuff"...there was even a movie about the space program with the same name.....what we didn't know until last week the right stuff was rum and coke....

Nasa is investigating a report that came out last week that says some of the worlds most talented scientists have been allowed to lift off for space with their own mixture of rocket fuel in their system...

That's right, lifting off for space while drunk....it turns out the process is known as getting a Buzz Aldrin.

Nasa says it's reviewing its code of conduct manual...and is considering altering the book to include a new policy of a two drink maximum on each flight.


I'm getting into the radio controlled airplane hobby.....purchased my first plane a couple Saturday's ago.

I've always wanted to get involved. When I played little league baseball we played at a park that had nine fields. It was located West of Overland Park in the Southwest corner of Shawnee Mission Park. During games you could always hear and sometimes see remote controlled planes being flown in the distance.

Also, my Dad was a b-25 pilot in WWII. I heard tons of stories, as I posted around Memorial Day I often didn't listen as a pre-teen I was more worried about getting outside so I didn't miss the action across the street at the home of a family that had nine kids. But over the years I guess his stories stuck with me more than I thought because I have always been fascinated by flight and this seems like a way to get in touch with some of those memories.

I showed up at the field where this r/c club flies and met a man who was there. We small talked about the club, the plane I purchased etc. During our small talk he mentioned a B-25 had just flown past and I was disappointed I had missed that.

As we waited for the arrival of the man who is training me on flying, the gentleman I had met asked to start my plane and fine tune the engine which is gas powered and I couldn't have been more excited after having to wait a week after purchasing the plane before being able to get it in flight.

We gassed it up, hooked up the glow plug warmer, and on the first spin of the prop the plane revved up. I thought to myself...how cool is this! But, just second later and it couldn't have been more than 25 or 30 seconds later, off from the distance, taking off from Neosho's Hugh Robinson Airport on a slow thunderous climb was the B-25. It slowly climbed several hundred feet and banked to the East, slowly banking for its flight South. The turn brought the warbird directly overhead. The growl of the twin engines was low and throaty and memories and thoughts of my Dad flooded my mind. In a visual that lasted only a minute or so I felt like I had lived through his time spent in WWII.

Seeing the aircraft in flight brought his stories to life and after living without him for 18 years, he passed away in 1989, I never felt closer and though probably a coincidence with uncanny timing it did make me look over my shoulder to see if he was there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Campaign Finance Alert!

Did you all see last week where the Missouri Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled the unlimited campaign contribution allowances that were part of HB 1900 were unconstitutional?

Based on that ruling the Missouri Ethics Commission held an emergency meeting and determined candidates and committees are once again bound by the contribution limits applicable in 2006.

As of Thursday, July 19, 2007 the following contribution limits have been reinstated:

1. Statewide office: $1,275 per election from individuals, $12,775 per election from political party committee's.

2. State Senate: $650 per election from individuals, $6,400 per election from political party committees.

3. State Representative: $325 per election from individuals, $3,200 per election from political party committees.

So how does the ruling effect our races at the county level?

All other offices including judicial positions are bound by amounts influenced by the population of the electoral district and according to the latest decennial census goes as follows:

1. Under 100,000 population: $325 individual, $3,250 political parties.

2. 100,000-250,000 population: $650 individual, $6,500 political parties.

3. 250,000 or more population: $1,275 individual, $12,750 political parties.

Keep in mind the amounts listed above also relate to in-kind contributions.

If you have questions or concerns contact the Missouri Ethics Commission for clarification and/or leave me a comment in the comment section at the end of this story.

Joke Of The Week

The David Beckam soccer craze continues to grab headlines across the country...now the California legislature is involved...passing as bill which prohibits shoe make Addidas from selling replicas of the soccer shoes Beckam wears.

The shoes are made out of kangaroo skin...but that's not why they are banning the shoes...it's because when Beckam wears the shoes he always tries to carry to the soccer ball in the front of his shorts.

The legislator's didn't stop there as they continued their sweeping soccer shoe reform work...also sent to the desk of Governor Terminator is a bill banning the reproduction of soccer shoes made from the leathered skin of Phyllis Diller.

Hey, the star of the Harry Potter movies, Daniel Radcliffe turned 18 yesterday. What a birthday this was.....as by turning 18 he gains access to over 40 million dollars earned by making the magical trilogy....

Concerned about a wild run of extravagant spending Radcliffe says not to worry as he's not the type to go and buy a fleet of expensive sports cars.......instead...all he wants is Paris Hilton's phone number.

Tax Sale

I don't know how it can seem that life is flying by, when at the same time, I feel the tax sale process has slowed to a crawl. We are currently 17 off of last years pace starting the day with 217 eligible parcels.

How is everyone else doing? Leave me a note in the comment section of the article.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Cleveland's favorite son Drew Carey has been tabbed to replace Bob Barker as the host of the Price Is Right……the comedian who has had his own show, hosted whose line is it anyway and had numerous comedy bits televised replaces Barker who retired last month…

Carey's hiring is certainly good news for Mimi who plans to become a Barker's Beauty……

Carey wasn’t totally sold on taking over the long running show…until CBS dropped plans to honor Barker by having the next host spayed or neutered…..

Rosie O’Donnell was considered for the opening…..it’s reported she didn’t get the job because she wanted to make changes to the format of perhaps the most popular game show in the history of daytime television…..CBS didn’t like the idea of O’Donnell getting into screaming matches with the contestants…..

Carey plans no such changes…he did pitch one idea…..he wanted the showcase showdown winners to still take home thousands of dollars of gifts and prizes….the losers get sent to Cleveland……..

Interesting Article

Did you all get to see the tax sale article that was on the MSNBC website. The Associated Press wrote the story about a Louisiana couple who lost their home at a tax sale over a small bill that never reached its destination.

Here is the article, again thanks to the Associated Press.

SLIDELL, La. - A $1.63 property tax bill that never reached its destination in 1996 has turned into a nightmare for Kermit and Dolores Atwood, who are now trying to keep from losing their home over the unpaid notice.

Dolores Atwood calls the events that followed the wayward bill, including the eventual sale of their home at a sheriff's tax sale, "seven years of emotional hell."
"I don't know how much more I can endure," said Atwood, 69, while sitting in a FEMA trailer in front of her Hurricane Katrina-ravaged home north of Slidell.

The couple hope recent state court decisions, which say their home should never have been put up for sale, withstand appeals by a land company.
In 2000, the Atwoods learned their four-bedroom home had been sold in a tax sale three years earlier for the $1.63 in unpaid taxes, plus 10 cents interest and $125 in sale costs.

Period to reclaim property expires

Atwood said the couple learned of the sale about a week after the three-year period in which delinquent taxpayers can reclaim their property had ended.
The bill was sent to a defunct address and returned undelivered to the St. Tammany Parish sheriff's office. Atwood then complained to the sheriff's and assessor's offices that she never received the bill and knew nothing about it. The house, which the couple has owned mortgage-free since 1968, previously was totally state homestead exempt, meaning there was no tax bill, Atwood said.

"The sheriff's office could have easily found us," Atwood said. "We're in the phone book."
Although the State Tax Commission nullified the sale, the couple found out in 2002 — when they attempted to sell the house and got a $90,000 offer — that a buyer, Jamie Land Co., had filed suit. The company had bought the property rights from American Land Investments.
Atwood said the couple couldn't sell the house because they didn't have clear title to the property. When Katrina hit, trees fell on the house. She said they didn't have insurance, and because they didn't have clear title, they didn't qualify for federal rebuilding help.

Case could go to state Supreme Court

In May 2006, State District Judge Patricia Hedges ruled that the property title belongs to the Atwoods. Jamie Land appealed. Last month, a three-judge panel of the state 1st Circuit Court of Appeal upheld Hedges' decision. Jamie Land asked the court to rehear the case, but that request was denied last week.
Now, the company plans to ask the Louisiana Supreme Court to take up the case.

At our last meeting in June in Jeff City in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th class meeting on that Tuesday about we talked at length about the need for additional pursuit of the property owners as well as lien holders and heard from several counties about the measures they take to ensure notification.

Hope you enjoyed!

By the way, as of opening today our tax sale was at 233 eligible properties. Publications in 3 newspapers begins tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Joke Of The Week

You know, I am all for this save the environment movement that is gaining momentum....I understand the need for bio fuels, using less paper, and the need for alternative energy.

But scientists in England have taken it too far. Now they are saying that getting cows to burp less will help the whole "going green" thing....That's right....getting cows to belch less will produce less greenhouse gases, thus help prevent the destruction of the ozone layer.

Help is coming!!! The U.S.D.A. is reportedly close to approving a feed supplement for cattle. A once a day small pill that should help prevent belching. It's called Boveano!

Don't you think President Bush is taking this executive privilege thing a bit far? First Scooter Libby was granted a get out of jail free pardon....then staff members were excused from testifying before Congress.

Now President Bush is using one himself. That's right, he's using an executive privilege to keep from having to eat the cook's meatloaf.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Hey, hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July.

An update on the free preview coming up on July 10th. Jill Rodenhofer of Tipton Systems will be demonstrating new equipment that allows us to scan our checks at the end of a day and send the images for direct deposit into our bank.

Originally scheduled for 1:30, the meeting is now being held at 10:30 in the conference room of the Newton County Courthouse on the square in Neosho.

Everyone is welcome but please let me know in advance for a head count.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Hope you all have a safe Independence Day...and here's the joke of the week.

Dracula's castle in Transylvania is up for sale. An heir to the family who owns the castle is getting rid of the landmark, where Prince Vlad The Impaler once stayed in the 1400's.

Experts believe the sale price may reach 135 million dollars..but the owner says he won't sell the castle except to a person who will treat the property and its history with respect...among the requirements...the prospective owner must sleep hanging upside down.

The castle is located high on a bluff and is part of the Transylvania neighborhood watch program....helping police take a bite out of crime.

When asked why the castle is for sale..the owner said upkeep of a more than 600 year old castle is a pain in the neck!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Birthdays

Can you believe another month has passed? We're on to July and with that comes the list of known birthdays!

Billy Hambelton- July 9th

Jim Otey- July 25th

Send me an email and I will send back a short list of things I would like!!!!

Happy Birthday to all. If you haven't yet sent me your birthdate please click the comments button at the end of this story and allow me to include you in our list!