Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Campaign Finance Alert!

Did you all see last week where the Missouri Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled the unlimited campaign contribution allowances that were part of HB 1900 were unconstitutional?

Based on that ruling the Missouri Ethics Commission held an emergency meeting and determined candidates and committees are once again bound by the contribution limits applicable in 2006.

As of Thursday, July 19, 2007 the following contribution limits have been reinstated:

1. Statewide office: $1,275 per election from individuals, $12,775 per election from political party committee's.

2. State Senate: $650 per election from individuals, $6,400 per election from political party committees.

3. State Representative: $325 per election from individuals, $3,200 per election from political party committees.

So how does the ruling effect our races at the county level?

All other offices including judicial positions are bound by amounts influenced by the population of the electoral district and according to the latest decennial census goes as follows:

1. Under 100,000 population: $325 individual, $3,250 political parties.

2. 100,000-250,000 population: $650 individual, $6,500 political parties.

3. 250,000 or more population: $1,275 individual, $12,750 political parties.

Keep in mind the amounts listed above also relate to in-kind contributions.

If you have questions or concerns contact the Missouri Ethics Commission for clarification and/or leave me a comment in the comment section at the end of this story.

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