Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Entertainment news......Ball State University is naming its new mass communications building after famed alum David Letterman....The long time late night talk show host graduated from Ball State in 1970.

The school says naming the new building after Dave is a no brainer....after all the design plans for the building include two wings separated by a gap in the front.

We've known for a long time that American astronauts have been known for "having the right stuff"...there was even a movie about the space program with the same name.....what we didn't know until last week the right stuff was rum and coke....

Nasa is investigating a report that came out last week that says some of the worlds most talented scientists have been allowed to lift off for space with their own mixture of rocket fuel in their system...

That's right, lifting off for space while drunk....it turns out the process is known as getting a Buzz Aldrin.

Nasa says it's reviewing its code of conduct manual...and is considering altering the book to include a new policy of a two drink maximum on each flight.

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