Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joke Of The Week

The David Beckam soccer craze continues to grab headlines across the country...now the California legislature is involved...passing as bill which prohibits shoe make Addidas from selling replicas of the soccer shoes Beckam wears.

The shoes are made out of kangaroo skin...but that's not why they are banning the shoes...it's because when Beckam wears the shoes he always tries to carry to the soccer ball in the front of his shorts.

The legislator's didn't stop there as they continued their sweeping soccer shoe reform work...also sent to the desk of Governor Terminator is a bill banning the reproduction of soccer shoes made from the leathered skin of Phyllis Diller.

Hey, the star of the Harry Potter movies, Daniel Radcliffe turned 18 yesterday. What a birthday this was.....as by turning 18 he gains access to over 40 million dollars earned by making the magical trilogy....

Concerned about a wild run of extravagant spending Radcliffe says not to worry as he's not the type to go and buy a fleet of expensive sports cars.......instead...all he wants is Paris Hilton's phone number.

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