Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tax Sale Update

Lien searches continue to flow into the office as letters to lien holders get sent out.

Things have slowed since the passing of our May 15 deadline to avoid a possible lien search fee. Next deadline is June 15, the last day to pay with a personal check.

Hopefully that looming deadline will spur traffic at the counter.

Starting today we are at 354 eligible parcels.

Feel free to click the comment button at the end of this story and let me know how your sale is progressing.

Joke Of The Week

Michael Jackson has dropped his attempt to block a scheduled auction of Jackson family memorabilia.

The King of Pop dropped the suit after it was discovered his Macaulay Culkin poster wasn't among the items being sold.

Also not being offered are any of Janet Jackson's wardrobes. Who would buy them anyway?? We all know they're prone to malfunction.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Proud To Be An American

A brief note wishing all of you a safe Memorial Day weekend.

My wife Lynn and I are caretakers of Hazel Green Cemetery in Boulder City, Missouri and will be spending a lot of time greeting those guests who arrive to pay tribute to loved ones who are buried in the cemetery.

Anytime someone who has space reserved dies we make a trip to stake the graves to be dug in advance of the services. We often will clean up flowers, spread good black dirt and seed on fresh graves, and spent a lot of time helping to clean up following the ice storm which devastated many of the beautiful old trees which provide shade.

But given all of that time spent my favorite duty was performed last night. We walked the cemetery placing American flags on veterans graves. I don't know the exact number of veterans that are buried there but I would guess it to be close to 50-75 all who spent a portion of their lives in defense of this country and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

Buried at the cemetery are soldiers from the Civil War era, one who I can remember served in WWII, the Korean, and Viet Nam wars, there is a Bronze Star recipient, there is a Naval Seaman whose ashes are at sea, and many others who thankfully never saw battlefield horror. But they are all veterans and deserve equal recognition and remembrance.

My Dad was in WWII as a B-25 pilot carrying out bombing missions in the South Pacific. My Dad passed away in 1989 and I regret I didn't spend more time learning about his service in WWII. He often told stories to family members and I regret that I didn't pay more attention and didn't ask questions as now I would give my eye teeth to be able to sit and listen to him tell me about his experiences.

My middle brother John, who is living, is a former Marine who navigated while flying in an F-4 jet carrying out reconnaissance missions during peacetime.

Last night as I put out flags I also thought of those veterans who are part of our association, of course Skip Rich (Cole) was the most recent active duty member but we have many others who have stood and been recognized at the conference banquet. A personal thanks to you for your service whether in a period of war or not.

Your honor should not be a once a year remembrance and I believe that there is more year round appreciation for veterans than there used to be.

I never served in the military, therefore I can not formally salute you. I hope however, you will accept this posting heading into Memorial Day as my salute to you.

***Please feel free to click the comments link at the bottom of this story and send in the names of those who you honor and remember for their service. I will post the comments as soon as possible after receiving them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jackson County Question

Hey all, Chris Williams (Jackson) is looking for answers. Here is the body of the email that was sent earlier today.

I am hopeful that you can forward this inquiry to other Collectors as their collector/treasurer function set up is probably different than Jackson County's. My question is whether their general funds retain the interest earned on tax payment deposits between the time they take in the tax payment and the time they distribute their taxes out to their political subdivisions or do they also distribute that interest earned on their deposits to the political subdivisions and schools along with the taxes / interest / penalties included in the tax payment.
I am not talking about deposits of payments made under protest as I know those have specific interest directives set by statute. Instead, I am talking about regular non protest payment deposits. I see that in Missouri statute 52.360, it provides:
"The county collector, in all counties of the first class not having a charter form of government and in all counties of the second class, shall deposit each day in the depositories selected by the county for the deposit of county funds, all money received by him as county collector during the day previous, and make a daily report thereof to the county auditor, as provided in section 55.190, RSMo. The interest on all money deposited by the county collector shall be computed upon the daily balances of the deposits, and all of the interest shall be paid and turned over to the county treasurer at the time and in the manner that the monthly settlement and payment are made by the collector, and the interest shall go to the general revenue fund of the county except as otherwise provided by law."
I have not had time to research, so I asked the County Counselor's office if they found anything more specific on this but they did not find anything in chapter 139 and are not familiar with all the statutes which may impact non charter counties.
My email address is willchris@jacksongov.org
Thank you in advance...................Chris Williams, Jackson County

Give Chris some help if you can. Send your email directly to Chris at the email address he provided.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just FYI

Speaking of legislation passed recently, NCS HB 616 may have some impact on taxpayers who want to plead their case for relief to the Board of Equalization.

616 makes the county assessor a nonvoting member of the board. It also requires the county commission to appoint two additional members to the board.

The county assessor or a member of his/her staff will be required to attend any meeting of the board and will have the right to present evidence regarding an assessment matter.

The Dust Has Settled

O.K. so the legislature has adjourned, barring technicalities, until next January. Each of your Representatives and Senators are home in their districts talking about the successful session and landmark legislation which was hammered out during the four months in Jeff City and in fact there were many that will have a lasting impact on the lives of Missourians.

Here's some bills that you may not hear being highlighted at the next keynote speech you attend:

HB 272 Designates the Three Toed Turtle as the official state reptile.

HB 351 Designates the Crayfish as the official state invertebrate.

HB 576 Designates the Bobwhite Quail as the official state game bird.

HB 680 Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass.

Also, next time you go to visit the State Agriculture Building at 1616 Missouri Blvd. be prepared as it has been renamed the George Washington Carver Building.

The 19th century African American agriculturist and botanist who discovered many uses for peanuts, such as peanut butter, spent his childhood years here in S.W. Missouri. In fact Newton County is the location for the George Washington Carver State Park. Take State Hwy 59 to Diamond and look for the signs.

Joke Of The Week

The first ever cataract surgery on an orangutan is being called a success. Doctors say they have at least partially restored the vision to the 19 year old primate.

But as it turns out the patient wants a reversal surgery performed...as he realized his most recent fantasy love interest was actually Rosie O'Donnell.

The whole thing almost never took place as doctors at the vet clinic almost discharged the patient because the patient wouldn't quit drinking out of the bedpan.

If they didn't kick him out, he was bound to leave on his own as the primate was reportedly upset the hospitals cable system didn't carry re-runs of Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp. (see picture above)

(In case you don't know what Lancelot Link:Secret Chimp is about, it was a t.v. show that ran from 1970-72 that was a spoof of the show Get Smart that featured Chimps as spies. NOW do you get it?)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tax Sale Update

O.K....now that we have the legislative session behind us it's full steam ahead to the tax sale. About ten days ago we talked tax sale numbers.

We had a big push leading up to a May 15 deadline before lien searches were tacked on and managed to lower our number of eligible parcels to as of this writing 375.

The lien searches seemed to have helped, not only in lowering the final total to offer, but also to help motivate the taxpayers to come to the counter.

How many are doing lien searches before the sale and what benefits, if any, have you seen?

Click the word comments at the bottom of the story, type in your note, type the red letters as you see them and then I will post them as they come in. Looking forward to seeing your responses.

Friday, May 18, 2007

In The Nick O Time

With literally just hours to spare SB22 has been passed.

The bill which is a county omnibus bill originally had language dealing with compensation for collecting for municipalities. I can confirm that the final bill was altered to eliminate all language dealing with the compensation issue. I am of belief that earlier this week and amendment was offered allowing collectors to keep 1% as compensation with the balance being submitted to general revenue. As it turns out it was completely stricken from the bill.

The bill late Thursday advanced through the Senate and was in conference early this morning with changes being ratified by members of both sides of the legislature.

Mark and Wayne and all of those who either made calls or visited Jeff City for the Ice Cream Social and/or the last week of session did a great job in our efforts to reach a compromise on the bill.

Thank you to all who played a role and for backing those who had a reason to be concerned with the end result of this bill!


Would like to pass along birthday wishes to Debbi McGinnis (Polk) who turns *# years young. Have a great day Debbi!

If you haven't turned in your birthday to me feel free to drop me a line. Give me your name, county, and date of birth only as the year born isn't important. You can leave that info at jotey_2005@hotmail.com

I'll get you added to the list!!


With just hours left in this session it appears one of our bills of interest is dead and the other remains alive.

HB 125 which deals with the tax sale and other clean-up items appears to have been read its Last Rites. The bill summary page says no hearings are scheduled and it is not on a calendar.

SB22 is a different story. It made it through the Senate and this morning, as the House awaits to come to order, is in conference.

If anyone has talked with any of our final week of session folks who are standing post feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and bring us up to date on what you know.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Tick...Tick...Tick.....if you listen close you can hear the sand passing through the hour glass.....

SB22 spent the day bouncing through the Senate like a pinball....brought up and laid over...then brought up again for debate....eventually being sent back to conference.....

That means, if I understand protocol correctly, that each individual amendment will have to be discussed and either kept in or kicked out. After that, the bill goes back to the Senate floor for debate and if passed, back to the House floor for final passage. Doesn't sound like a lot but with three days left in session it has a long way to go.

According to discussion on the Senate floor SB22 Sponsor John Griesheimer (26th-Washington) was disappointed with the fact the bill had become the legs of amendments he didn't intend for the bill to carry.

For instance the JOPLIN GLOBE carried a front page story today about how Representative and Speaker of the House Candidate Ron Richard (Joplin) had tacked on language that would block the Jasper County 911 Board from taking over all dispatch calls for the City of Joplin. The City says they are concerned the take-over would recent in a delay of emergency calls and recently asked for and received a restraining order blocking the move and what is likely to end in a court battle is now part of SB22.

So we'll keep an eye on both SB22 and the hour glass on Wednesday and keep you updated as information becomes available.

Joke Of The Week

It's Tuesday which means it's time for another handwritten Joke Of The Week.

Scientists say experiments being conducted to help astronauts adapt to living on Mars may also help insomniacs fall asleep at night....Mars has a longer amount of sunlight than here on earth.....after all the results are tabulated it's expected the scientists will recommend watching "The View."

Speaking of entertainment...Britney Spears is preparing to launch a comeback tour...she recently tuned up by playing a short surprise gig at a San Diego venue...those on hand said to their surprise cameras were the only thing flashing.....

Spears isn't sure of the name of the comeback tour...but it is believed that she's leaning towards....Britney: The Peek A Boo Tour.


As you know this is the final week of session. There was movement on Monday regarding SB22 which includes the language dealing with compensation for collecting for a municipality. It was wild and hectic with, as I counted, 79 amendments being offered and 54 being adopted.
One of those amendments allows collector's to keep 1% of the contract money with the balance required to be sent to general revenue. That amendment was adopted and is included in the final bill which is back in the hands of the Senate.

Following is how the State of Missouri website reported the activity on SB22:

Jefferson City – An “omnibus” local government bill was heavily amended by the Missouri House today. As is often the case at the end of a legislative session, a bill is brought up and is used as a vehicle for several amendments that mirror legislation that may have stalled. The legislation considered today was Senate Bill 22.SB 22 contains several provisions pertaining to laws governing Missouri cities, towns, and counties. Among other things, the bill• prohibits a county from receiving state money unless the county has agreed by ordinance or order to engage in mediation if a dispute arises concerning a financial expenditure between such county and another county;• authorizes the state Board of Fund Commissioners to issue $40 million in bonds for water pollution control, improvement of drinking water systems, and storm water control projects in rural, urban, and suburban Missouri;• places a provision before St. Louis City voters to allow them to vote on whether firefighters are required to live within the city;• allows the governing body of any municipality or county to authorize an organization to stand in a road to solicit charitable contributions under certain conditions;• authorizes smaller counties and various cities upon voter approval to levy a transient guest tax to promote tourism in the county;• requires political subdivisions that collect and expend taxes for the promotion of tourism to submit to an audit every five years if there is no other auditing requirement already in law;• allows political subdivisions to share property tax revenues from property located within 3,000 feet of a common border between the political subdivisions;• allows counties with a charter form of government to issue noise ordinances;• prohibits a person from offering financial inducements in exchange for an appointment to any municipal office; and• sets minimum standards for confinement in jails.A majority of the fifty amendments proposed on the House floor today were adopted. It is likely that the Senate will request the House to convene a conference committee rather than accept all of today’s changes. Differences must be resolved and final votes cast in both legislative bodies before the week’s end.

So the bill still has a ways to go. I can't confirm as of this writing whether anything was changed regarding the compensation issue. I am waiting for confirmation, however can say my Rep. said there was significant discussion regarding that issue.

Stay tuned for more.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I just received an email from Past President Jimmy Platt alerting us to the plans for the final week of the legislative session which ends a week from today.

Two bills has our main focus, one being HB 125 which is over in the Senate, and SB22 which is on the House side. Both bills are expected to be read a third time and debated early in the week. There is no way to know a specific time as to when the bills will be brought to the floor so having some people waiting in the wings is crucial to our success.

Steve Holt (Jasper) has a block of rooms at the Capital Plaza but he needs to know as soon as possible if you will be needing to make an overnight stay. Call Steve now at the number in the directory he so aptly designed and handed out at conference.

For the newcomers to the Association, your help is also needed and the final week of session is a great time to learn some of the methods to the madness of legislating bills. It's also a great time to buy your favorite veteran collector a free meal!!!! We generally meet in the 3rd floor rotunda and at times there is some hurry up and wait. But when it hits the fan there is precious time to act and being on site and ready is essential.

HB 125 deals with some tax sale language while SB22 is the county omnibus bill which includes language dealing with compensation for collecting municipality taxes.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tax Sale

O.K. time to get interactive.....click the comments button at the end of this story and let me know.......

Where are you on tax sale eligible properties? We started the day with 471 eligible parcels.

How many do you have?

Leave your name, county, and number of eligible parcels.

No, I'm not offering steak knives as a participation gift...however, on the positive side it doesn't cost .99 cents a minute to play either.

SB22 Update

Senate bill 22 was brought to the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday for third reading and passage.

After introducing the bill it was immediately put to the side for future consideration.

What that action does is prohibit any additional amendments from being attached to the bill. It was placed back on the informal calendar and is expected to be debated for 2 hours sometime between now and the end of session.

As far as our work on the bill there really isn't much to report other than efforts continue and we'll see how things go down to the wire.

One Dip or Two?

To the delight of our friends in the House and Senate, their assistants, and even some collectors who enjoyed a quick bowl, the annual Ice Cream Social was a big hit on Wednesday.

Past President Jimmy Platt (Bates), 3rd Vice President Debbi McGinnis (Polk), Treasurer Brent Karhoff (Knox), and Secretary Janice Varner (Barry) led the way as 10 strong arms scooped up about 15 gallons of ice cream.

Vanilla, Chocolate, and Pralines & Cream were the choices and even a few combinations were offered on demand.

The event of course offered an opportunity to thank those that help us through the year and is one that helps separate us from other associations. A big thanks to Legislative Consultant Mark Ausmus for arranging for the delivery of the tables and ice cream!

Thanks to all who sacrificed a perilous trip through raging flood waters to serve a scoop and a smile! (o.k....the raging flood waters might be a little dramatic...but we DID see some sandbags!)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Joke Of The Week

It's Tuesday...That means it's time for the joke of the week!!!!

History was made this past Saturday at the run for the roses..the Kentucky Derby. For the first time in its more than century old tradition the race featured a horse that was half blind.

That's right, Storm In May is completely blind in one eye. The big day also marked the first time a jockey used a long 6 foot red and white pole moving from side to side in front of the horse as a whip.

The organizers of the Derby refused to buck every tradition. Each year before the race begins the Marine Corps Band plays My Old Kentucky Home...this year to honor Storm In May the horses' owners wanted the band to play Sammy Davis Jr's "candyman".

Storm In May finished out of the money....not only a disappointment for those who wagered the outcome..but also, the loss ended any hopes the horse had of teaming with Mr. Ed on the hit reality show "Dancing With The Stars"...becoming the latest contestant to dance with a prosthesis.

SB22 Update

Once the legislators close their recess at 2:00 SB22 is among those on the house calendar for a third reading.

Remember I told you the two hour limit for debate with each side receiving one hour of actual talk time to debate the bill.

If I am correct this is the final chance for any alterations to be made to the SB22 document. If approved by the house with no change the bill will be known as "Agreed to and finally passed" and sent to Governor Blunt's office for signature.

Please use the comments section to enlighten me if needed!

Military Personal Property Tax

Remember the bill Skip Rich (Cole) told us about, HJR 6, which would upon voter approval waive personal property taxes for active military personnel?

It goes to a perfection hearing today after being unanimously (8-0) voted back in April DO PASS by the rules committee.

As stated in the summary, "The bill exempts the personal property taxes for a vehicle not used while a soldier is on active military duty." It goes on to say, "The tax is forgiven for only the year the soldier is gone."

The house ends its weekend recess at 2:00 today.

Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Update On SB22

Thanks in advance to Senator Kevin Engler (3rd District-Farmington) as he has mentioned interest in trying to help us with the amendment in SB22 which deals with compensation for collecting for municipalities.

Past President Jim Platt (Bates) and President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) are asking for a list of counties that currently have contracts to collect for municipalities. Send them to them immediately as time is critical.

Just this week SB22 was voted and reported DO PASS by the House Rules Committee. It is awaiting its trip to the floor for final debate and has been assigned a time limit of 2 hours.

On The Mend

Spoke with Sheila Wyatt (Taney) today and she says her recovery from her injuries suffered when she fell down some stairs at conference is going well.

She just today had her broken hand set and now begins the healing process. She is on antibiotics for the stitches needed to close a cut on her knee.

She was quick to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness and concern.

Get well soon Sheila!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Last Reminder

Steve Holt (Jasper) wants me to remind you that if you have plans to attend next weeks ice cream extravaganza and are planning to spend the night before at the capital plaza you need to book your room immediately. The Capital Plaza staff wants Steve to release as many rooms as possible so the hotel can book them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Joke of the Week

Is it going to be Billy Ray Cyrus or John Ratzenberger? They are believed to be the leading candidates as the next celebrity dancer booted off the hit reality show "Dancing With The Stars".

Former Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessey was among the first contestants booted off..Finnessey complained afterword that she thought the show involved wearing a bikini and answering questions about world peace...

Clyde Drexler, who was voted one of the 50 greatest basketball players of all time never stood a chance. It was obvious Clyde "The Glide" did his best work with his feet off the ground...

and finally, last week in a shocker Activist Heather Mills who wowed audiences by dancing despite doing so with a prosthetic leg became the fifth celebrity sent packing....the paparazzi swarmed Mills asking if she was upset about being knocked out of the competition...Mills responded with no comment...adding she didn't want to put her foot in her mouth...

Happy Birthday

A new month is upon us. Time to celebrate those with May birthdays.

Twila Harper (Clark County)- May 1st

Debbi McGinnis (Polk County)- May 18th

If you have a birthday in May let me know and I will update this posting.

For that matter send me your birthdate, year born not important, to jotey_2005@hotmail.com
and I will add you to the list.

Bill Advances

An update on SB22 which carries the language regarding compensation for collecting for municipalities. An amendment to the bill would require us to turn over to general revenue the negotiated percentage of collections normally used as compensation for duties performed.

That bill was voted due pass by the House Rules Committee and awaits a hearing date on the floor. The rules folks put a maximum two hour debate time limit on the discussions with each side of the isle getting one hour.

Interesting note which I didn't know, Representative Kevin Wilson (130, Newton-McDonald) said the two hour maximum is actual talking time. So instead of a debate lasting from, say, 10:00-noon, the bill could spend more time on the floor depending on the time taken between those requesting to debate the topic. Make sense?

As of this posting no date has been set for when the bill will hit the floor for debate.