Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Bill Advances

An update on SB22 which carries the language regarding compensation for collecting for municipalities. An amendment to the bill would require us to turn over to general revenue the negotiated percentage of collections normally used as compensation for duties performed.

That bill was voted due pass by the House Rules Committee and awaits a hearing date on the floor. The rules folks put a maximum two hour debate time limit on the discussions with each side of the isle getting one hour.

Interesting note which I didn't know, Representative Kevin Wilson (130, Newton-McDonald) said the two hour maximum is actual talking time. So instead of a debate lasting from, say, 10:00-noon, the bill could spend more time on the floor depending on the time taken between those requesting to debate the topic. Make sense?

As of this posting no date has been set for when the bill will hit the floor for debate.

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