Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Dust Has Settled

O.K. so the legislature has adjourned, barring technicalities, until next January. Each of your Representatives and Senators are home in their districts talking about the successful session and landmark legislation which was hammered out during the four months in Jeff City and in fact there were many that will have a lasting impact on the lives of Missourians.

Here's some bills that you may not hear being highlighted at the next keynote speech you attend:

HB 272 Designates the Three Toed Turtle as the official state reptile.

HB 351 Designates the Crayfish as the official state invertebrate.

HB 576 Designates the Bobwhite Quail as the official state game bird.

HB 680 Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass.

Also, next time you go to visit the State Agriculture Building at 1616 Missouri Blvd. be prepared as it has been renamed the George Washington Carver Building.

The 19th century African American agriculturist and botanist who discovered many uses for peanuts, such as peanut butter, spent his childhood years here in S.W. Missouri. In fact Newton County is the location for the George Washington Carver State Park. Take State Hwy 59 to Diamond and look for the signs.

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