Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jackson County Question

Hey all, Chris Williams (Jackson) is looking for answers. Here is the body of the email that was sent earlier today.

I am hopeful that you can forward this inquiry to other Collectors as their collector/treasurer function set up is probably different than Jackson County's. My question is whether their general funds retain the interest earned on tax payment deposits between the time they take in the tax payment and the time they distribute their taxes out to their political subdivisions or do they also distribute that interest earned on their deposits to the political subdivisions and schools along with the taxes / interest / penalties included in the tax payment.
I am not talking about deposits of payments made under protest as I know those have specific interest directives set by statute. Instead, I am talking about regular non protest payment deposits. I see that in Missouri statute 52.360, it provides:
"The county collector, in all counties of the first class not having a charter form of government and in all counties of the second class, shall deposit each day in the depositories selected by the county for the deposit of county funds, all money received by him as county collector during the day previous, and make a daily report thereof to the county auditor, as provided in section 55.190, RSMo. The interest on all money deposited by the county collector shall be computed upon the daily balances of the deposits, and all of the interest shall be paid and turned over to the county treasurer at the time and in the manner that the monthly settlement and payment are made by the collector, and the interest shall go to the general revenue fund of the county except as otherwise provided by law."
I have not had time to research, so I asked the County Counselor's office if they found anything more specific on this but they did not find anything in chapter 139 and are not familiar with all the statutes which may impact non charter counties.
My email address is
Thank you in advance...................Chris Williams, Jackson County

Give Chris some help if you can. Send your email directly to Chris at the email address he provided.

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