Friday, May 11, 2007


I just received an email from Past President Jimmy Platt alerting us to the plans for the final week of the legislative session which ends a week from today.

Two bills has our main focus, one being HB 125 which is over in the Senate, and SB22 which is on the House side. Both bills are expected to be read a third time and debated early in the week. There is no way to know a specific time as to when the bills will be brought to the floor so having some people waiting in the wings is crucial to our success.

Steve Holt (Jasper) has a block of rooms at the Capital Plaza but he needs to know as soon as possible if you will be needing to make an overnight stay. Call Steve now at the number in the directory he so aptly designed and handed out at conference.

For the newcomers to the Association, your help is also needed and the final week of session is a great time to learn some of the methods to the madness of legislating bills. It's also a great time to buy your favorite veteran collector a free meal!!!! We generally meet in the 3rd floor rotunda and at times there is some hurry up and wait. But when it hits the fan there is precious time to act and being on site and ready is essential.

HB 125 deals with some tax sale language while SB22 is the county omnibus bill which includes language dealing with compensation for collecting municipality taxes.

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