Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tax Sale

O.K. time to get the comments button at the end of this story and let me know.......

Where are you on tax sale eligible properties? We started the day with 471 eligible parcels.

How many do you have?

Leave your name, county, and number of eligible parcels.

No, I'm not offering steak knives as a participation gift...however, on the positive side it doesn't cost .99 cents a minute to play either.


Punkin said...

Polk County has 145 parcels that I am in high hopes of whittling down to 10 come August...

Anonymous said...

Ray County has 670 parcels available for sale. I will get that down to round 225 for publication and offer around 150 the day of the sale. I usually sell around 40 parcels. There is a lake community in the county and the purchases of that property will wait until the third sale and purchas the lots.

Anonymous said...

In Lewis County the sun is shining, the farmers are in the field, the Collector is in his office and all is right with the world. (May the ghost of Robert Browning forgive me for that opening sentence.) Actually I'm delighted to report that I've collected five 2005 real estate parcels today, bringing my tax sale parcel count down to ninety-five.

Bob Veatch

Anonymous said...

Barry County has 335 parcels as of Monday, May 14th. We are working hard to get this down to less than 100 before Aug. 27th. We have a lot of lots down BY (not on) the lake that if you can find them you might bid on them.

Anonymous said...

In Lincoln County as of March 1 we had 288 parcels delinquent. On May 11 we are down to 186 and hopefully by August 27th we will only have 15. The staff says I'm a little on the high side.