Thursday, May 10, 2007

One Dip or Two?

To the delight of our friends in the House and Senate, their assistants, and even some collectors who enjoyed a quick bowl, the annual Ice Cream Social was a big hit on Wednesday.

Past President Jimmy Platt (Bates), 3rd Vice President Debbi McGinnis (Polk), Treasurer Brent Karhoff (Knox), and Secretary Janice Varner (Barry) led the way as 10 strong arms scooped up about 15 gallons of ice cream.

Vanilla, Chocolate, and Pralines & Cream were the choices and even a few combinations were offered on demand.

The event of course offered an opportunity to thank those that help us through the year and is one that helps separate us from other associations. A big thanks to Legislative Consultant Mark Ausmus for arranging for the delivery of the tables and ice cream!

Thanks to all who sacrificed a perilous trip through raging flood waters to serve a scoop and a smile! (o.k....the raging flood waters might be a little dramatic...but we DID see some sandbags!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You talked about the flooding, I spent the Wednesday night at Capitol Plaza and had to park about 4 blocks from the hotel because they thought that their parking lot would probably flood in the night.