Tuesday, May 15, 2007


As you know this is the final week of session. There was movement on Monday regarding SB22 which includes the language dealing with compensation for collecting for a municipality. It was wild and hectic with, as I counted, 79 amendments being offered and 54 being adopted.
One of those amendments allows collector's to keep 1% of the contract money with the balance required to be sent to general revenue. That amendment was adopted and is included in the final bill which is back in the hands of the Senate.

Following is how the State of Missouri website reported the activity on SB22:

Jefferson City – An “omnibus” local government bill was heavily amended by the Missouri House today. As is often the case at the end of a legislative session, a bill is brought up and is used as a vehicle for several amendments that mirror legislation that may have stalled. The legislation considered today was Senate Bill 22.SB 22 contains several provisions pertaining to laws governing Missouri cities, towns, and counties. Among other things, the bill• prohibits a county from receiving state money unless the county has agreed by ordinance or order to engage in mediation if a dispute arises concerning a financial expenditure between such county and another county;• authorizes the state Board of Fund Commissioners to issue $40 million in bonds for water pollution control, improvement of drinking water systems, and storm water control projects in rural, urban, and suburban Missouri;• places a provision before St. Louis City voters to allow them to vote on whether firefighters are required to live within the city;• allows the governing body of any municipality or county to authorize an organization to stand in a road to solicit charitable contributions under certain conditions;• authorizes smaller counties and various cities upon voter approval to levy a transient guest tax to promote tourism in the county;• requires political subdivisions that collect and expend taxes for the promotion of tourism to submit to an audit every five years if there is no other auditing requirement already in law;• allows political subdivisions to share property tax revenues from property located within 3,000 feet of a common border between the political subdivisions;• allows counties with a charter form of government to issue noise ordinances;• prohibits a person from offering financial inducements in exchange for an appointment to any municipal office; and• sets minimum standards for confinement in jails.A majority of the fifty amendments proposed on the House floor today were adopted. It is likely that the Senate will request the House to convene a conference committee rather than accept all of today’s changes. Differences must be resolved and final votes cast in both legislative bodies before the week’s end.

So the bill still has a ways to go. I can't confirm as of this writing whether anything was changed regarding the compensation issue. I am waiting for confirmation, however can say my Rep. said there was significant discussion regarding that issue.

Stay tuned for more.

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