Friday, May 18, 2007

In The Nick O Time

With literally just hours to spare SB22 has been passed.

The bill which is a county omnibus bill originally had language dealing with compensation for collecting for municipalities. I can confirm that the final bill was altered to eliminate all language dealing with the compensation issue. I am of belief that earlier this week and amendment was offered allowing collectors to keep 1% as compensation with the balance being submitted to general revenue. As it turns out it was completely stricken from the bill.

The bill late Thursday advanced through the Senate and was in conference early this morning with changes being ratified by members of both sides of the legislature.

Mark and Wayne and all of those who either made calls or visited Jeff City for the Ice Cream Social and/or the last week of session did a great job in our efforts to reach a compromise on the bill.

Thank you to all who played a role and for backing those who had a reason to be concerned with the end result of this bill!

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