Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Weather Or Not

Has this week been rough...or what??

Hope you all are digging out from the mess that was left for us. You would think Mother Nature could plan these events around tax season!

Neosho didn't get hit as hard as in January's storm, however I think Joplin which is just 20 miles North got hit much harder and many are still struggling without power and heat.

How did you fare and did the storm create any interesting stories regarding business in your office?

Leave a message in the comments section and I'll get them posted asap.

Hope everyone is warm and with power!

Best wishes.

Monday, December 3, 2007


Sorry to say for everyone who let me know about birthdates...we have no co-horts celebrating their birth this month. First month since I started this blog that we haven't had anyone to honor with a toast.

We'll celebrate more next month!!!

Hope your tax season is going well!! Comments or happenings about tax season....drop me an email and I'll get it posted.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tax Exempt Waivers

I have taken some flak at the counter this season and I know others have too on the issue of not issuing waivers unless ALL personal property taxes are paid.

The statute # is 301.025

Hope you're all having a good tax season!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Blog

I have a question that I would welcome some response from.

In regards to the tax sale and the affidavits. 140.405 states "until the person meets with the following requirement OR until such person makes affidavit that a title search....."

Next to last sentence of the topic refers to a 90 day span between the time affidavit is made and the time a deed is issued.

Isn't the 90 day wait post-affidavit for third offering properties?? The first paragraph appears to give the buyer an option of adhering to the chapter requirement OR making affidavit. The last paragraph indicates a 90 day wait.

The question is not whether a 90 day period is needed in regards to a certified letter we know that is for sure. It is whether the 90 day wait doesn't start until affidavit is made. Can the buyer send the letter...wait 90 days...and the day they come in to pick up the deed given written sworn notice they have done what is required to obtain a deed?

Leave me responses..comments....all will be posted unless they personally attack me for being so confused. If that happens I will order a large flock of starlings to fly over your car and leave a business card!!

Happy Birthday!!

Wow time has passed quickly....can you believe it's tax season and the tax sale is just 10 months away???

November is not without a birthday greeting to pass along.

Call or drop a note of best wishes to:

Diana Rennick (Audrain) November 5

The Stork a Cometh

The latest collector news I have has nothing to do with the office. I found out recently I am just months away (six or so) from becoming a first time Grandpa!

Lori is 25 and her and Jason are expecting their first.

Details as they develop!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

October Happy Birthdays

We have just one birthday to celebrate this month. As busy as we are preparing for tax season I hope you will take time to give a birthday song to:

Sheila Wyatt (Taney) October 14th

Happy Birthday Sheila!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Please Accept With Apologies

It was brought to my attention yesterday at Skip's retirement reception that I had left out information about former MCCA President Margie Bowman (Ray) running for an at large seat on the board of the Missouri Association of Counties.

I apologize to Margie for the error and invite you to call her in Ray County to find out how you can help get her elected to the MAC board.

In the future if you happen to see important facts that I have left out of a story please let me know, either by phone or better yet by clicking the comment bar at the bottom of each story, and I will either make a correction or explain the reason why I may have left them out.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Notes From Last Week's Meeting

A good number of collector's attended last week's veto session legislative meeting at the Capital Plaza in Jeff City.

Thanks to Pam Shipley (Cass) for passing along these notes from the meeting. Pam writes, "For those of you who could not attend the collector's meeting on Wednesday, we missed seeing you there. We discussed tax sale issues and the Secretary (Janice Varner, Barry) recorded several questions that were presented. The Executive Board said they would research the issues and answer all the questions raised at conference next April.

Pam also said she asked Secretary Varner to send out a copy of the minutes so that those of us who could not attend could read up on the days activities. Janice said she would try and get that done ASAP.

News also came out that Debbi McGinnis (Polk) is running for a term as the Missouri Association of Counties Treasurer. The votes will be cast and counted at the annual MAC conference this November.

In order to cast your vote you must attend the MAC conference and be a registered voting delegate. I'm sure Debbie would be more than happy to field a phone call and inquiry about how you can help her get elected. Debbie is an active member of NACCTFO (National Association of County Collectors, Treasurers, and Financial Officers) and has also actively served in various capacities with MAC. Let's do all we can to help Debbie.

Steve Holt (Jasper) was also recognized. This past spring/summer Steve was elected Treasurer of NACCTFO. Personally I am glad Steve has found something to keep himself busy. Being a collector of a first class county, arranging for accommodations and planning for our conference and meetings, designing and printing our directories, a Husband and a Dad just wasn't enough. Congratulations Steve!

I'll update news from the most recent meeting after receiving the minutes from Janice.

Saying Goodbye

Word is out of the coming retirement of one of the associations longest serving members.

Skip Rich (Cole) will serve his final day in office October 2nd. Skip is one of just two collector's to hold office in Cole County since WWII. A Past President of our association Skip has lended his talents to countless causes and after serving the better part of three decades has played a role in getting most if not all legislation passed that effects those of us in office today (i.e. CERF, Tax Maintenance Fund and others).

Skip's most recent accomplishment was serving his country during the current conflict in Iraq. Skip missed over a year of a recent term as he was stationed in Texas preparing our service men and women for deployment to the middle east.

I doubt you ever sat and wondered how Skip felt about a particular issue and whether you agreed or not with his take on a given subject. There is no way you could think Skip wanted anything more than to make things better for all of us who serve in office.

Skip will definitely leave the association in better shape than he found it and like the troops he prepared to fight overseas, he can't control how we as collector's perform in the future. He can only reflect on a legacy of knowing he instilled in us the importance of making the sacrifice to leave things better than when we arrived.

A retirement reception is planned to honor Skip. The event is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., September 25, in the Cole County Courthouse Annex. The annex is located at 311 E. High Street in Jefferson City.

Hope to see you there on the 25th.

If you would like to leave Skip a send-off message click "comments" at the bottom of this story and I will post your response as soon as I receive it.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sad News

I am informed that the Mother of Harrison County Collector/Treasurer Julia Alexander Harris has passed away.

Visitation for Kathryn Breit will be Thursday, September 6th, from 7:00-8:30 at the Prugh-Dunfee Funeral Home in Grant City, Missouri.

The address for the funeral home is:

Prugh-Dunfee Funderal Home
200 S. Front
Grant City, MO 64456.

Funeral services will be This Friday (Sept 7) at 2:00, at the Parnell United Methodist Church, Parnell, Missouri.

Our thoughts are with Julia.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Happy Birthdays For September

As the Summer sands pass through the hourglass so do the days of our lives. O.K., so it doesn't go exactly like that on the soap opera but it does provide a nice segue into this months birthday wishes.

We hope the trio of collector's celebrating this month all attend the meeting on the 12th so we can give them their personal greetings!!!

Bev Vasser (Cheriton) September 10

Anita Dunkle (Monroe) September 17

Janice Varner (Barry) September 19

See you in Jeff City!

Tax Sale Follow-up

I've felt blessed to not have more than 45 or so properties each year since 2003. But while thinking about Monday's sale and how things went and mulling over whether we need to change anything about our approach and presentation I got to thinking how nice it would be to not have a sale at all.

That led me then to wondering who had the fewest properties to offer? I think Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell, had 3 in 2006), Jeanette Ronchetto(Macon) left a message late last week that they were down to 8 with hopes of trimming the total to five.

If you wouldn't mind responding give me your name, county and total number of parcels you offered at this year's sale. Also, feel free to leave a note about what single thing you do that you believe plays a role in getting you down to your final number.

Click the comment button at the bottom of this story and I will publish your response ASAP.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

TGIO Means Thank God It's Over!

Here's the final numbers from this years delinquent land tax auction.

We took 45 properties and sold 42 with 3 no bids.

We also took 5 properties to auction on behalf of two of our municipalities. 4 of those sold with 1 no bid.

In all $31, 228.69 county tax dollars were collected while $406.38 was collected for the cities. We also deposited over $26,000 into the school fund.

15 different people purchased property at Monday's sale.

Numbers looked bleak going into last Friday as we had 82 eligible parcels. We had 31 pay Friday and 6 more pay the morning of the sale to get us to our starting point. The 45 we took to auction was the highest number (by one) that we've offered since my first sale in 2003.

How did you do at your sale? Everyone wants to know. Click the word "comments" and I will get your response published ASAP.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Presidential Appointments

Also part of the letter which announced the upcoming September meeting was news from President Cockrum (Clinton) of her committee appointments.

Forming a Department of Revenue Committee is Margie Bowman (Chairperson, Ray), Lee Viorel (Marion), Jim Platt (Bates), Brent Karhoff (Knox), Ted Nichols (Christian), Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell), Donna Nash (Platte), Pat Lensmeyer (Boone).

As you know there have been discussions concerning the counties going online with tax information and the DOR urging us to continue to sell duplicate receipts. DOR has been and is still in a transition period and there is a lot of room for our Assn. and the DOR to work together to make things simpler and easier on the taxpayers and the body assembled by Sharon should be able to help pave the way to improvements.

President Cockrum also appointed a technology committee. Skip Rich (Cole), Mary Noel (Nodaway), Mary Hampton (Wayne), Steve Pickering (LaClede), Ted Nichols (Christian), and Jim Otey (Newton).

Pam Shipley (Cass) proposed at our last meeting to have Official Payments hold a meeting for counties currently using the company for online, credit card, or phone payments and for any county who may have an interest in using O.P. for any of the available services.

The meeting would be designed as an open ended meeting to open up avenues of communication between the county collector and the company.

Pam reports she believes O.P. is close to arranging a time and date for such a meeting and assures everyone they will be notified once tentative plans are firmed up.

Make Your Plans Now

I don;t know why you wouldn't have but just in case you didn't receive a letter from President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) the association is having an organizational meeting in Jefferson City next month.

September 12 is the date with the meeting being called to order at 9:30.

For those wanting to go up the night before Steve Holt (Jasper) has secured a block of rooms at two different hotels. The Capital Plaza has rooms for $71.07 which I am told includes the lodging tax. Call 573-635-1234 ASAP.

The Hampton Inn also has rooms set aside with the rate of $69.30 that does not include any state or lodging taxes. Call 573-634-7440 ASAP and make sure to tell either reservation desk you are with the Collector's Assn.

Assn. Treasurer Brent Karhoff (Knox) needs an RSVP by September 7.

The meeting coincides with the run up to the start of a new tax season as well as the scheduled veto session for the legislature so there should be plenty of discussion on the agenda.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Tax Sale Update

After laboring for weeks the pace has finally picked up on our tax sale property collections. At times this summer we have been as many as 30 properties behind the same date a year ago.

The last few days have been beneficial as we have lowered our number of eligible properties to 117 which is 13 ahead of the close of business one year ago.

How's everyones tax sale coming along? Let me know if you like by clicking the comments button at the bottom of this story!

Joke Of The Week

44 parrots are missing after having been stolen from a pet shop...The birds are valued at more than $55,000....

Case should be solved soon....the suspect should be quick to return them once he learns the birds talk even more than his wife......

Speaking of wives.....You hear about the cop that pulled over his wife under suspicion of driving under the influence? First time he did it the wife left the scene....the second time the officer called for back-up......

Asked about the prospects of his wife going to jail...the officer said he was most looking forward to the conjugal visits.

The N.B.A. referee charged in a gambling ring bust has pleaded guilty and faces a maximum of 25 years in prison and a half million dollar fine....Tim Donaghy will obviously never referee another n.b.a. game......In return for his guilty plea the ref is reportedly asking for the black and white stripes on the prison issue jump suits to run vertically instead of horizontally........

Can anyone familiar with the lore of prison life guess which kind of games Donaghy will now be refereeing?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Joke Of The Week

The Space Shuttle Endeavor is scheduled for an evening lift off from Florida.

The lift off had been delayed by a leaky valve in the cabin.....and to give astronauts time to recover after learning that past references to Jack Daniels weren't about an astronaut.

Of course the revelation being made last week that some space pilots have taken flight drunk...there won't be any of that this time around as a teacher will be on board. Barbara Morgan is a teacher turned astronaut...her crew mates are glad to have her on board....but have asked her not to delay their experiments with a pop quiz.

Have you ever heard the one about the guy..the monkey and the airplane??

No really...this week a guy flying from Peru to the U.S. smuggled a monkey onto the flight by hiding the fist sized primate under his hat.

Nobody noticed!! Until a passenger saw the monkey hanging on the guy's ponytail. As you can imagine customs agents weren't pleased....the guy might face charges...sounds like the monkey is headed for a zoo...but only if they find he's not a member of Al Qaeda.

The smuggling is also expected to spark debate on Capital the same argument of whether amnesty should be granted to illegals who find work in this country.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Happy Birthdays!

August is a big month for birthdays and we even have two sets of collectors who have the same birthdate. I always wondered why they kept completing each others sentences.

Best birthday wishes to:

Charla Royer (Madison) Aug 11

Pam Shipley (Cass) Aug 12

Jeanette Ronchetto (Macon) Aug 19
Jayne Helton (Maries) Aug 19

Tammy Cantrell(Texas) Aug 30
Connie Berry (Ralls) Aug 30

Hope you all have great birthdays!!!!

If you know the birthday of a collector friend drop me a line by clicking the comment bar at the bottom of this story!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Entertainment news......Ball State University is naming its new mass communications building after famed alum David Letterman....The long time late night talk show host graduated from Ball State in 1970.

The school says naming the new building after Dave is a no brainer....after all the design plans for the building include two wings separated by a gap in the front.

We've known for a long time that American astronauts have been known for "having the right stuff"...there was even a movie about the space program with the same name.....what we didn't know until last week the right stuff was rum and coke....

Nasa is investigating a report that came out last week that says some of the worlds most talented scientists have been allowed to lift off for space with their own mixture of rocket fuel in their system...

That's right, lifting off for space while turns out the process is known as getting a Buzz Aldrin.

Nasa says it's reviewing its code of conduct manual...and is considering altering the book to include a new policy of a two drink maximum on each flight.


I'm getting into the radio controlled airplane hobby.....purchased my first plane a couple Saturday's ago.

I've always wanted to get involved. When I played little league baseball we played at a park that had nine fields. It was located West of Overland Park in the Southwest corner of Shawnee Mission Park. During games you could always hear and sometimes see remote controlled planes being flown in the distance.

Also, my Dad was a b-25 pilot in WWII. I heard tons of stories, as I posted around Memorial Day I often didn't listen as a pre-teen I was more worried about getting outside so I didn't miss the action across the street at the home of a family that had nine kids. But over the years I guess his stories stuck with me more than I thought because I have always been fascinated by flight and this seems like a way to get in touch with some of those memories.

I showed up at the field where this r/c club flies and met a man who was there. We small talked about the club, the plane I purchased etc. During our small talk he mentioned a B-25 had just flown past and I was disappointed I had missed that.

As we waited for the arrival of the man who is training me on flying, the gentleman I had met asked to start my plane and fine tune the engine which is gas powered and I couldn't have been more excited after having to wait a week after purchasing the plane before being able to get it in flight.

We gassed it up, hooked up the glow plug warmer, and on the first spin of the prop the plane revved up. I thought to cool is this! But, just second later and it couldn't have been more than 25 or 30 seconds later, off from the distance, taking off from Neosho's Hugh Robinson Airport on a slow thunderous climb was the B-25. It slowly climbed several hundred feet and banked to the East, slowly banking for its flight South. The turn brought the warbird directly overhead. The growl of the twin engines was low and throaty and memories and thoughts of my Dad flooded my mind. In a visual that lasted only a minute or so I felt like I had lived through his time spent in WWII.

Seeing the aircraft in flight brought his stories to life and after living without him for 18 years, he passed away in 1989, I never felt closer and though probably a coincidence with uncanny timing it did make me look over my shoulder to see if he was there.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Campaign Finance Alert!

Did you all see last week where the Missouri Supreme Court unexpectedly ruled the unlimited campaign contribution allowances that were part of HB 1900 were unconstitutional?

Based on that ruling the Missouri Ethics Commission held an emergency meeting and determined candidates and committees are once again bound by the contribution limits applicable in 2006.

As of Thursday, July 19, 2007 the following contribution limits have been reinstated:

1. Statewide office: $1,275 per election from individuals, $12,775 per election from political party committee's.

2. State Senate: $650 per election from individuals, $6,400 per election from political party committees.

3. State Representative: $325 per election from individuals, $3,200 per election from political party committees.

So how does the ruling effect our races at the county level?

All other offices including judicial positions are bound by amounts influenced by the population of the electoral district and according to the latest decennial census goes as follows:

1. Under 100,000 population: $325 individual, $3,250 political parties.

2. 100,000-250,000 population: $650 individual, $6,500 political parties.

3. 250,000 or more population: $1,275 individual, $12,750 political parties.

Keep in mind the amounts listed above also relate to in-kind contributions.

If you have questions or concerns contact the Missouri Ethics Commission for clarification and/or leave me a comment in the comment section at the end of this story.

Joke Of The Week

The David Beckam soccer craze continues to grab headlines across the the California legislature is involved...passing as bill which prohibits shoe make Addidas from selling replicas of the soccer shoes Beckam wears.

The shoes are made out of kangaroo skin...but that's not why they are banning the's because when Beckam wears the shoes he always tries to carry to the soccer ball in the front of his shorts.

The legislator's didn't stop there as they continued their sweeping soccer shoe reform work...also sent to the desk of Governor Terminator is a bill banning the reproduction of soccer shoes made from the leathered skin of Phyllis Diller.

Hey, the star of the Harry Potter movies, Daniel Radcliffe turned 18 yesterday. What a birthday this by turning 18 he gains access to over 40 million dollars earned by making the magical trilogy....

Concerned about a wild run of extravagant spending Radcliffe says not to worry as he's not the type to go and buy a fleet of expensive sports cars.......instead...all he wants is Paris Hilton's phone number.

Tax Sale

I don't know how it can seem that life is flying by, when at the same time, I feel the tax sale process has slowed to a crawl. We are currently 17 off of last years pace starting the day with 217 eligible parcels.

How is everyone else doing? Leave me a note in the comment section of the article.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Cleveland's favorite son Drew Carey has been tabbed to replace Bob Barker as the host of the Price Is Right……the comedian who has had his own show, hosted whose line is it anyway and had numerous comedy bits televised replaces Barker who retired last month…

Carey's hiring is certainly good news for Mimi who plans to become a Barker's Beauty……

Carey wasn’t totally sold on taking over the long running show…until CBS dropped plans to honor Barker by having the next host spayed or neutered…..

Rosie O’Donnell was considered for the opening…’s reported she didn’t get the job because she wanted to make changes to the format of perhaps the most popular game show in the history of daytime television…..CBS didn’t like the idea of O’Donnell getting into screaming matches with the contestants…..

Carey plans no such changes…he did pitch one idea…..he wanted the showcase showdown winners to still take home thousands of dollars of gifts and prizes….the losers get sent to Cleveland……..

Interesting Article

Did you all get to see the tax sale article that was on the MSNBC website. The Associated Press wrote the story about a Louisiana couple who lost their home at a tax sale over a small bill that never reached its destination.

Here is the article, again thanks to the Associated Press.

SLIDELL, La. - A $1.63 property tax bill that never reached its destination in 1996 has turned into a nightmare for Kermit and Dolores Atwood, who are now trying to keep from losing their home over the unpaid notice.

Dolores Atwood calls the events that followed the wayward bill, including the eventual sale of their home at a sheriff's tax sale, "seven years of emotional hell."
"I don't know how much more I can endure," said Atwood, 69, while sitting in a FEMA trailer in front of her Hurricane Katrina-ravaged home north of Slidell.

The couple hope recent state court decisions, which say their home should never have been put up for sale, withstand appeals by a land company.
In 2000, the Atwoods learned their four-bedroom home had been sold in a tax sale three years earlier for the $1.63 in unpaid taxes, plus 10 cents interest and $125 in sale costs.

Period to reclaim property expires

Atwood said the couple learned of the sale about a week after the three-year period in which delinquent taxpayers can reclaim their property had ended.
The bill was sent to a defunct address and returned undelivered to the St. Tammany Parish sheriff's office. Atwood then complained to the sheriff's and assessor's offices that she never received the bill and knew nothing about it. The house, which the couple has owned mortgage-free since 1968, previously was totally state homestead exempt, meaning there was no tax bill, Atwood said.

"The sheriff's office could have easily found us," Atwood said. "We're in the phone book."
Although the State Tax Commission nullified the sale, the couple found out in 2002 — when they attempted to sell the house and got a $90,000 offer — that a buyer, Jamie Land Co., had filed suit. The company had bought the property rights from American Land Investments.
Atwood said the couple couldn't sell the house because they didn't have clear title to the property. When Katrina hit, trees fell on the house. She said they didn't have insurance, and because they didn't have clear title, they didn't qualify for federal rebuilding help.

Case could go to state Supreme Court

In May 2006, State District Judge Patricia Hedges ruled that the property title belongs to the Atwoods. Jamie Land appealed. Last month, a three-judge panel of the state 1st Circuit Court of Appeal upheld Hedges' decision. Jamie Land asked the court to rehear the case, but that request was denied last week.
Now, the company plans to ask the Louisiana Supreme Court to take up the case.

At our last meeting in June in Jeff City in the 1st, 2nd, and 4th class meeting on that Tuesday about we talked at length about the need for additional pursuit of the property owners as well as lien holders and heard from several counties about the measures they take to ensure notification.

Hope you enjoyed!

By the way, as of opening today our tax sale was at 233 eligible properties. Publications in 3 newspapers begins tomorrow!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Joke Of The Week

You know, I am all for this save the environment movement that is gaining momentum....I understand the need for bio fuels, using less paper, and the need for alternative energy.

But scientists in England have taken it too far. Now they are saying that getting cows to burp less will help the whole "going green" thing....That's right....getting cows to belch less will produce less greenhouse gases, thus help prevent the destruction of the ozone layer.

Help is coming!!! The U.S.D.A. is reportedly close to approving a feed supplement for cattle. A once a day small pill that should help prevent belching. It's called Boveano!

Don't you think President Bush is taking this executive privilege thing a bit far? First Scooter Libby was granted a get out of jail free pardon....then staff members were excused from testifying before Congress.

Now President Bush is using one himself. That's right, he's using an executive privilege to keep from having to eat the cook's meatloaf.

Friday, July 6, 2007


Hey, hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th of July.

An update on the free preview coming up on July 10th. Jill Rodenhofer of Tipton Systems will be demonstrating new equipment that allows us to scan our checks at the end of a day and send the images for direct deposit into our bank.

Originally scheduled for 1:30, the meeting is now being held at 10:30 in the conference room of the Newton County Courthouse on the square in Neosho.

Everyone is welcome but please let me know in advance for a head count.

Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Joke Of The Week

Hope you all have a safe Independence Day...and here's the joke of the week.

Dracula's castle in Transylvania is up for sale. An heir to the family who owns the castle is getting rid of the landmark, where Prince Vlad The Impaler once stayed in the 1400's.

Experts believe the sale price may reach 135 million dollars..but the owner says he won't sell the castle except to a person who will treat the property and its history with respect...among the requirements...the prospective owner must sleep hanging upside down.

The castle is located high on a bluff and is part of the Transylvania neighborhood watch program....helping police take a bite out of crime.

When asked why the castle is for sale..the owner said upkeep of a more than 600 year old castle is a pain in the neck!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Birthdays

Can you believe another month has passed? We're on to July and with that comes the list of known birthdays!

Billy Hambelton- July 9th

Jim Otey- July 25th

Send me an email and I will send back a short list of things I would like!!!!

Happy Birthday to all. If you haven't yet sent me your birthdate please click the comments button at the end of this story and allow me to include you in our list!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Tax Sale Update

Been a while since we've shared how the tax sale process is coming along. We've passed several deadlines and we are no longer accepting 2005 payments with personal checks. The only deadline left is to stay out of the publications. So, without a doubt the final push is on.

Heading into today's business we have 273 eligible properties. Here's how the countdown has gone as reported in this blog.

May 10- 471 properties

May 21- 375

May 29- 354

June 5- 329

June 26- 273

I guess we're getting there. We are behind pace from this date a year ago and we've never gone to sale with more than 44 so we need to make up some ground.

I think a newspaper article has either been published in the last few days or will be published soon and that always seems to help.

Stay tuned and as always click the comments section and give us an update on how your tax sale numbers are progressing.

JOKE Of The Week

Those three former Duke Lacrosse players wrongly accused of raping a stripper at a wild beer bash have been compensated by the University in an undisclosed monetary amount.

The players say they hope this helps bring closure to the ordeal that left a black eye on the university and the justice system.

To bring further closure the players are holding a free beer bash complete with strippers.

District Attorney Mike Nifong has been disbarred for his errors in prosecuting the players. He has apologized and wants to make right. So he has volunteered to appear at the bash and act as the human pinata.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Free Preview

Hey all, in conjunction with Tipton Systems, who was a vendor at conference, I am hosting a one afternoon preview of new check scanning equipment that is catching on in popularity.

Jill Rodenhofer of Tipton will be the featured guest. Jill will show off equipment that allows us to scan our daily checks and send them directly to the bank for deposit in our account.

Our depository is just now getting the technological updates it needs to accept these types of transactions. Even if it's for down the road consideration it might be fun to see. Jill has sent invites to area counties but know that you are welcomed too.

The display day is set for Tuesday, July 10th, starting at 1:30 in the afternoon. Come on down and see the large two wall mural on the main floor of the courthouse.

If you are coming to the event leave me a message in the comment section of this article and I will pass the info along to Jill.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Birthday Addition

We learned at the conference that Donna Nash (Platte) is celebrating a birthday this month and I would like to add her to my list of June birthdays.

Donna's birthday is actually today! June 21, which means there will be more sunlight for her birthday party than any other birthday party through the year.

Happy summer solstice birthday to Donna!

Let me ask you this. If your birthday falls on daylight savings day are you a year younger in the Spring and a year older in the Fall?

Joke Of The Week

Due to travels to and from Jeff City I did not post a joke of the week. I know, you're heart broken.

I already have next week's joke in my head and will have it posted at its regularly scheduled time of Tuesday Morning.

Thank you, and have a laugh today!

Legislative Meeting (Wednesday)

All in attendance gathered Wednesday morning for the scheduled legislative meeting.

Current President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) chaired the event and after a brief welcome introduced Past President Margie Bowman (Ray) who introduced her special guest Trish Vincent.

Trish is the Director of the Department of Revenue who apologized for the email sent out last week about the counties who provide tax records to DOR so that taxpayers can go to the Fee Agent Office for tags without needing their paid personal property tax receipt.

Trish said the DOR appreciates those counties who are involved in that program and said that the reason they are still asking taxpayers to bring their receipts is because having them is faster than looking it up, and in the event the system is down, the taxpayer can still be helped without being sent to the courthouse for a duplicate.

We basically learned for a variety of reasons the program, of which, about 40 of us participate in is not perfect. We received a pledge from Ms. Vincent that free agents will make every effort to look up records on line but asked that we continue to urge taxpayers to take the receipt with them and to emphasize it will make their stay at the fee agent office a shorter one.

I felt like Ms. Vincent and the Collector's in attendance left with a better understanding of the programs deficiencies and the difficulties both sides deal with as a result.

Legislative Chair Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell) and MCCA Governmental Consultant Mark Ausmus who made brief comments regarding the ebb and flow of various bills we were tracking as an association. Mainly SB 22 which was the county omnibus bill and dealt with the compensation for municipal collections. Of course you will remember and maybe followed the progress of the bill here, that the bill passed, however the collection language was removed before being finally agreed to.

There was no major legislation passed that will have an impact on our offices for the coming year.

Thanks was given to Mark and Mark in turn thanked those of us who spent time at the Capital during the closing weeks of session. Mark indicates that while there is some sitting and waiting for the firehouse alarm to sound, that when it comes time for action having the bodies available to implement a plan makes a big difference, in most cases, in the outcome of an issue.

Some of the legislation we attempted to get passed but failed to do so, including the protection of taxpayer records from being acquired under the Sunshine Law and then resold by a company for commercial uses is still alive for next session. Several groups who opposed the language of last years bill indicate they understand where we are coming from and will work with us this summer to develop language they can live with. So the point is, work is already underway for the next session which will convene in January of 2008.

After lunch the meeting was adjourned.

Legislative Meeting

Was nice to see those who attended this weeks legislative review in Jefferson City.

On Tuesday 1st and 2nd class counties met for a round table discussion of items of interest and possible solutions to the problems.

We discussed the issue that emerged last week with the Department of Revenue. (We later heard from Director Trish Vincent on Wednesday).

We discussed phone calls we get from Land America representatives who are obviously from a foreign country, are difficult to understand, ask a ton of questions, and often call more than once about the same property. Ruthane Small (Johnson) will be making contact with Land America to see if there is something that can be done to remedy the situation. Among the solutions discussed were handling tax amount items via email or fax, or demanding they use our websites (if you have one) to look up tax amounts on their own.

Discussion Moderator Pam Shipley (Cass) voiced concern about communication and action regarding getting updates done on the websites of those who use Official Payments, Inc as their online collection company.

Pam asked how many used official payments for any purpose whether on-line or for credit card purposes and will be asking that Official Payments schedule a user meeting where those of you who use their company can get together and talk about the future. I understand if you're interested in using Official Payments, Inc. that you would be welcomed at the meeting as well. To be clear however, the meeting is designed for current users, not necessarily as a means of increasing participation from any county not currently with them.

We heard that most of us scratch are heads regarding enforcement of Merchant Licenses, how to increase the numbers of them, and what to do if someone is billed and refuses to pay. Some make trips through the county for spot checks, others receive lists of new businesses from their municipalities and chambers of commerce.

Christopher Williams (Jackson) talked about steps he takes to make efforts to contact owners of potential tax sale eligible properties and told us he and his assessor use assessor office staff to physically visit each tax sale property and take a digital picture of notice being posted that the property will be offered for auction due to delinquent taxes. That obviously made most of us gasp, however many of us have pending lawsuits that stem from arguments as to whether or not we (or tax sale buyers) went far enough in making sure an owner had been duly notified. Chris indicated he believed it may be time to look at tax sale statutes for possible revisions.

Thanks to Pam for organizing the meeting on Tuesday and before adjourning we informally decided to have our next one in an exotic, warm, tropical climate at a location that has umbrellas in their refreshments.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Joke Of The Week

In the news today another scientific breakthrough from the animal kingdom.

After extensive research scientists say they have confirmed chimpanzee's learn and share techniques on how to fiddle with gadgets...they also pass on customs and culture..just as humans do...

The evidence came to light when the scientists witnessed the chimps using the remote to turn off Rosie O'Donnell and The View.

Scientists say these findings represent traits shared by our common ancestors more than five million years ago...

That probably explains, after all those years, how chimps from generation to generation are able to perform the hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil signs.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Legislative Meeting

Received notice from Pam Shipley (Cass) of a meeting for collectors from 1st and 2nd class counties that will be held before the board meeting in Jeff City next week.

The 1st and 2nd class meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 19th, at 2:00, check the hotel for room location.

Please let Pam know whether you will be attending, if you're unable to attend please notify her that I am allowed to have your cookie!

It might also be a good idea to give her an idea or two about what you want to discuss.

See you on the 19th!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Online Look Up

I was disappointed today to receive an email from the D.O.R. regarding the online taxpayer look up program approximately 40 counties take part in. The D.O.R. now says the online look up feature was intended as a back-up in case a taxpayer didn't arrive with his/her paid receipt.

Shortly after entering office on March 3, 2003 I had two visits from suits from D.O.R. urging me to get with the times. They pointed out Jasper County is online and since we both have taxpayers in Joplin it didn't make sense for some Joplin residents to be able to benefit from the program while others still could not renew from the comforts of home. The second visit I was sold on the fact that it would be a great customer service tool for me and it would cut down on counter traffic for people needing a duplicate receipt.

Finally after Governor Blunt changed the fee agent structure my two fee agent's approached me urging me to come on board and make life easier for all of us. $850 dollar in programming costs later I was thrilled to see the smile on the face of each taxpayer we informed telling them that renewing their tags just became easier!

I also called D.O.R. at one point this winter because I was informed that some area fee agents refused to look up the taxes online despite admitting that every fee agent office in the state was required to be online with Jeff City. D.O.R. told me they could not force a fee agent to utilize the online system and that if they chose to require a receipt that was their option. So I said your department can force them to be online, ask me to spend almost a thousand dollars in programming, but you can;t force them to look up the paid status. His reply was something to the effect of, "As silly as that sounds, that's true!"

Now we seem to have seen a small rash (NOT like Paris Hilton's) of taxpayers who have been sent on a 40 minute round trip from Joplin to get a waiver from us when in 2006 they had lived in Jasper County AND had a 2006 paid receipt. But because they didn't owe tax in Newton they were told they needed a waiver indicating that. When we inform them that that is not how the system works it ends up making both offices look like we don't know whats going on. I assumed it was a new employee that maybe didn't understand the waiver system and the problem would fix itself soon. Until today and now I am putting two and two together.

So what's the solution? I think we for sure need to discuss it at the June 20 meeting in Jeff City. Until then, if you have an idea or thought or comment click the comment link at the end of this story and I'll post some discussion for others to see.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Credit Cards

O.K...I've been in office almost 4 1/2 years and I am considering making the transition to accepting credit card payments over the counter.

The office did so years ago. The program lasted about two weeks until the first snag came along and mt predecessor called the company and told them to busta move back here and get their equipment.

So I am asking for feedback. Click the comments portion under this story and let me know what county you're from, whether you accept credit card payments over the counter, who your processing company is and what rate customers pay.

Thanks very much and I look forward to hearing from you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Legislative Meeting

Looking forward to seeing all of you at the upcoming legislative meeting scheduled for 9:30 A.M., Wednesday, June 20, 2007, at the Capital Plaza.

Legislative Chairman Wayne Scharnhorst (Howell) is expected to give us a run down as to legislation that impacts our offices. Legislative Consultant Mark Ausmus will most likely be on hand as well.

Steve Holt (Jasper) has arranged for a block of rooms at the Capital Plaza. Make sure when you make your reservations to let them know you're with the MCCA so you can enjoy the low $69.01 room rate.

Tax Sale Update

Entering today's business we were down to 329 eligible parcels. How is your tax sale preps going? Send me a note in the comment section by clicking "comments" at the bottom of this story.

Joke Of The Week

It's day two for Paris Hilton as she serves time in jail for a parole violation. In case you're not familiar with the story Paris apparently enjoys having a few drinks before getting behind the wheel.

Hilton who attended the MTV Movie Awards just hours before turning herself in said she was actually looking forward to serving her she heard the jail was full of bars!

Controversy continues to surround the young boy from Alabama who claims to have hunted down a wild hog that weighed more than 1,000 pounds. Many believe pictures of the hog were doctored and no such animal exists.

Oddly enough, down in Australia a man is fighting the same type of controversy. he recently bagged a toad that weighed over 20 pounds and was the size of a small dog.

Though no pictures exist the man swears he saw the toad hike its leg on a fire hydrant.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Labor Laws

May 29th, 2007 may turn out to be a day that has a lasting impact on Missouri employers and county governments alike. The developments took place in Jefferson City and while the initial blast was soundless the repercussions could be heard from Maryville to Cape Girardeau and from Kirksville to Joplin.

Missouri Association of Counties Legal Counsel Ivan Schraeder has come out with his take on the Missouri Supreme Courts ruling that overturns Missouri labor laws as we know them.

The 5-2 decision overturns controlling laws that date back to 1947.

"All public employees now have the right to bargain collectively. He warns that there could be immediate and severe financial costs to county government. Here is a brief look at what Schraeder says is at risk on our level of government."

He adds, "The Court ruled that teachers have a right to bargain even though they are excluded from the coverage of the current Meet & Confer law. By extension, it can be expected that all police officers will also have the right to bargaining collectively, even though also excluded by current state statute.The Court also seemed to say that there can be no exclusions for persons who are employed even though they perform a management function or are supervisors or are confidential workers involved in bargaining."

"County government will be significantly affected because of the number of independently elected officeholders and the limited countywide control that county commissions have over employment-related decisions."

Schraeder advises counties to begin game planning immediately yet remain flexible as the Legislature will surely address the topic during the next session.

If you didn't receive an email from MAC regarding this decision and would like one you can call Assistant Director of MAC Mary Ellen Brennan and get on their mailing list or I can send one to you if you leave a request in the comments section at the end of this story.

Happy Birthday

It's the start of a new month and I am aware of a couple birthdays we have in the next few weeks.

June Grooms ( Caldwell) will celebrate next week on June 7th.

Carol Nauman (Cooper) waits till the end of the month her birthday is June 30th.

If you haven't sent in your birthday click the comments section at the bottom of this story and give me your name, county, and birthday. I promise not to tell the year born!!! Unless someone bribes me to tell.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Tax Sale Update

Lien searches continue to flow into the office as letters to lien holders get sent out.

Things have slowed since the passing of our May 15 deadline to avoid a possible lien search fee. Next deadline is June 15, the last day to pay with a personal check.

Hopefully that looming deadline will spur traffic at the counter.

Starting today we are at 354 eligible parcels.

Feel free to click the comment button at the end of this story and let me know how your sale is progressing.

Joke Of The Week

Michael Jackson has dropped his attempt to block a scheduled auction of Jackson family memorabilia.

The King of Pop dropped the suit after it was discovered his Macaulay Culkin poster wasn't among the items being sold.

Also not being offered are any of Janet Jackson's wardrobes. Who would buy them anyway?? We all know they're prone to malfunction.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Proud To Be An American

A brief note wishing all of you a safe Memorial Day weekend.

My wife Lynn and I are caretakers of Hazel Green Cemetery in Boulder City, Missouri and will be spending a lot of time greeting those guests who arrive to pay tribute to loved ones who are buried in the cemetery.

Anytime someone who has space reserved dies we make a trip to stake the graves to be dug in advance of the services. We often will clean up flowers, spread good black dirt and seed on fresh graves, and spent a lot of time helping to clean up following the ice storm which devastated many of the beautiful old trees which provide shade.

But given all of that time spent my favorite duty was performed last night. We walked the cemetery placing American flags on veterans graves. I don't know the exact number of veterans that are buried there but I would guess it to be close to 50-75 all who spent a portion of their lives in defense of this country and the freedoms we enjoy as Americans.

Buried at the cemetery are soldiers from the Civil War era, one who I can remember served in WWII, the Korean, and Viet Nam wars, there is a Bronze Star recipient, there is a Naval Seaman whose ashes are at sea, and many others who thankfully never saw battlefield horror. But they are all veterans and deserve equal recognition and remembrance.

My Dad was in WWII as a B-25 pilot carrying out bombing missions in the South Pacific. My Dad passed away in 1989 and I regret I didn't spend more time learning about his service in WWII. He often told stories to family members and I regret that I didn't pay more attention and didn't ask questions as now I would give my eye teeth to be able to sit and listen to him tell me about his experiences.

My middle brother John, who is living, is a former Marine who navigated while flying in an F-4 jet carrying out reconnaissance missions during peacetime.

Last night as I put out flags I also thought of those veterans who are part of our association, of course Skip Rich (Cole) was the most recent active duty member but we have many others who have stood and been recognized at the conference banquet. A personal thanks to you for your service whether in a period of war or not.

Your honor should not be a once a year remembrance and I believe that there is more year round appreciation for veterans than there used to be.

I never served in the military, therefore I can not formally salute you. I hope however, you will accept this posting heading into Memorial Day as my salute to you.

***Please feel free to click the comments link at the bottom of this story and send in the names of those who you honor and remember for their service. I will post the comments as soon as possible after receiving them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Jackson County Question

Hey all, Chris Williams (Jackson) is looking for answers. Here is the body of the email that was sent earlier today.

I am hopeful that you can forward this inquiry to other Collectors as their collector/treasurer function set up is probably different than Jackson County's. My question is whether their general funds retain the interest earned on tax payment deposits between the time they take in the tax payment and the time they distribute their taxes out to their political subdivisions or do they also distribute that interest earned on their deposits to the political subdivisions and schools along with the taxes / interest / penalties included in the tax payment.
I am not talking about deposits of payments made under protest as I know those have specific interest directives set by statute. Instead, I am talking about regular non protest payment deposits. I see that in Missouri statute 52.360, it provides:
"The county collector, in all counties of the first class not having a charter form of government and in all counties of the second class, shall deposit each day in the depositories selected by the county for the deposit of county funds, all money received by him as county collector during the day previous, and make a daily report thereof to the county auditor, as provided in section 55.190, RSMo. The interest on all money deposited by the county collector shall be computed upon the daily balances of the deposits, and all of the interest shall be paid and turned over to the county treasurer at the time and in the manner that the monthly settlement and payment are made by the collector, and the interest shall go to the general revenue fund of the county except as otherwise provided by law."
I have not had time to research, so I asked the County Counselor's office if they found anything more specific on this but they did not find anything in chapter 139 and are not familiar with all the statutes which may impact non charter counties.
My email address is
Thank you in advance...................Chris Williams, Jackson County

Give Chris some help if you can. Send your email directly to Chris at the email address he provided.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just FYI

Speaking of legislation passed recently, NCS HB 616 may have some impact on taxpayers who want to plead their case for relief to the Board of Equalization.

616 makes the county assessor a nonvoting member of the board. It also requires the county commission to appoint two additional members to the board.

The county assessor or a member of his/her staff will be required to attend any meeting of the board and will have the right to present evidence regarding an assessment matter.

The Dust Has Settled

O.K. so the legislature has adjourned, barring technicalities, until next January. Each of your Representatives and Senators are home in their districts talking about the successful session and landmark legislation which was hammered out during the four months in Jeff City and in fact there were many that will have a lasting impact on the lives of Missourians.

Here's some bills that you may not hear being highlighted at the next keynote speech you attend:

HB 272 Designates the Three Toed Turtle as the official state reptile.

HB 351 Designates the Crayfish as the official state invertebrate.

HB 576 Designates the Bobwhite Quail as the official state game bird.

HB 680 Designates Big Bluestem as the official state grass.

Also, next time you go to visit the State Agriculture Building at 1616 Missouri Blvd. be prepared as it has been renamed the George Washington Carver Building.

The 19th century African American agriculturist and botanist who discovered many uses for peanuts, such as peanut butter, spent his childhood years here in S.W. Missouri. In fact Newton County is the location for the George Washington Carver State Park. Take State Hwy 59 to Diamond and look for the signs.

Joke Of The Week

The first ever cataract surgery on an orangutan is being called a success. Doctors say they have at least partially restored the vision to the 19 year old primate.

But as it turns out the patient wants a reversal surgery he realized his most recent fantasy love interest was actually Rosie O'Donnell.

The whole thing almost never took place as doctors at the vet clinic almost discharged the patient because the patient wouldn't quit drinking out of the bedpan.

If they didn't kick him out, he was bound to leave on his own as the primate was reportedly upset the hospitals cable system didn't carry re-runs of Lancelot Link: Secret Chimp. (see picture above)

(In case you don't know what Lancelot Link:Secret Chimp is about, it was a t.v. show that ran from 1970-72 that was a spoof of the show Get Smart that featured Chimps as spies. NOW do you get it?)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Tax Sale Update that we have the legislative session behind us it's full steam ahead to the tax sale. About ten days ago we talked tax sale numbers.

We had a big push leading up to a May 15 deadline before lien searches were tacked on and managed to lower our number of eligible parcels to as of this writing 375.

The lien searches seemed to have helped, not only in lowering the final total to offer, but also to help motivate the taxpayers to come to the counter.

How many are doing lien searches before the sale and what benefits, if any, have you seen?

Click the word comments at the bottom of the story, type in your note, type the red letters as you see them and then I will post them as they come in. Looking forward to seeing your responses.

Friday, May 18, 2007

In The Nick O Time

With literally just hours to spare SB22 has been passed.

The bill which is a county omnibus bill originally had language dealing with compensation for collecting for municipalities. I can confirm that the final bill was altered to eliminate all language dealing with the compensation issue. I am of belief that earlier this week and amendment was offered allowing collectors to keep 1% as compensation with the balance being submitted to general revenue. As it turns out it was completely stricken from the bill.

The bill late Thursday advanced through the Senate and was in conference early this morning with changes being ratified by members of both sides of the legislature.

Mark and Wayne and all of those who either made calls or visited Jeff City for the Ice Cream Social and/or the last week of session did a great job in our efforts to reach a compromise on the bill.

Thank you to all who played a role and for backing those who had a reason to be concerned with the end result of this bill!


Would like to pass along birthday wishes to Debbi McGinnis (Polk) who turns *# years young. Have a great day Debbi!

If you haven't turned in your birthday to me feel free to drop me a line. Give me your name, county, and date of birth only as the year born isn't important. You can leave that info at

I'll get you added to the list!!


With just hours left in this session it appears one of our bills of interest is dead and the other remains alive.

HB 125 which deals with the tax sale and other clean-up items appears to have been read its Last Rites. The bill summary page says no hearings are scheduled and it is not on a calendar.

SB22 is a different story. It made it through the Senate and this morning, as the House awaits to come to order, is in conference.

If anyone has talked with any of our final week of session folks who are standing post feel free to leave a comment in the comment section and bring us up to date on what you know.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007


Tick...Tick...Tick.....if you listen close you can hear the sand passing through the hour glass.....

SB22 spent the day bouncing through the Senate like a pinball....brought up and laid over...then brought up again for debate....eventually being sent back to conference.....

That means, if I understand protocol correctly, that each individual amendment will have to be discussed and either kept in or kicked out. After that, the bill goes back to the Senate floor for debate and if passed, back to the House floor for final passage. Doesn't sound like a lot but with three days left in session it has a long way to go.

According to discussion on the Senate floor SB22 Sponsor John Griesheimer (26th-Washington) was disappointed with the fact the bill had become the legs of amendments he didn't intend for the bill to carry.

For instance the JOPLIN GLOBE carried a front page story today about how Representative and Speaker of the House Candidate Ron Richard (Joplin) had tacked on language that would block the Jasper County 911 Board from taking over all dispatch calls for the City of Joplin. The City says they are concerned the take-over would recent in a delay of emergency calls and recently asked for and received a restraining order blocking the move and what is likely to end in a court battle is now part of SB22.

So we'll keep an eye on both SB22 and the hour glass on Wednesday and keep you updated as information becomes available.

Joke Of The Week

It's Tuesday which means it's time for another handwritten Joke Of The Week.

Scientists say experiments being conducted to help astronauts adapt to living on Mars may also help insomniacs fall asleep at night....Mars has a longer amount of sunlight than here on earth.....after all the results are tabulated it's expected the scientists will recommend watching "The View."

Speaking of entertainment...Britney Spears is preparing to launch a comeback tour...she recently tuned up by playing a short surprise gig at a San Diego venue...those on hand said to their surprise cameras were the only thing flashing.....

Spears isn't sure of the name of the comeback tour...but it is believed that she's leaning towards....Britney: The Peek A Boo Tour.


As you know this is the final week of session. There was movement on Monday regarding SB22 which includes the language dealing with compensation for collecting for a municipality. It was wild and hectic with, as I counted, 79 amendments being offered and 54 being adopted.
One of those amendments allows collector's to keep 1% of the contract money with the balance required to be sent to general revenue. That amendment was adopted and is included in the final bill which is back in the hands of the Senate.

Following is how the State of Missouri website reported the activity on SB22:

Jefferson City – An “omnibus” local government bill was heavily amended by the Missouri House today. As is often the case at the end of a legislative session, a bill is brought up and is used as a vehicle for several amendments that mirror legislation that may have stalled. The legislation considered today was Senate Bill 22.SB 22 contains several provisions pertaining to laws governing Missouri cities, towns, and counties. Among other things, the bill• prohibits a county from receiving state money unless the county has agreed by ordinance or order to engage in mediation if a dispute arises concerning a financial expenditure between such county and another county;• authorizes the state Board of Fund Commissioners to issue $40 million in bonds for water pollution control, improvement of drinking water systems, and storm water control projects in rural, urban, and suburban Missouri;• places a provision before St. Louis City voters to allow them to vote on whether firefighters are required to live within the city;• allows the governing body of any municipality or county to authorize an organization to stand in a road to solicit charitable contributions under certain conditions;• authorizes smaller counties and various cities upon voter approval to levy a transient guest tax to promote tourism in the county;• requires political subdivisions that collect and expend taxes for the promotion of tourism to submit to an audit every five years if there is no other auditing requirement already in law;• allows political subdivisions to share property tax revenues from property located within 3,000 feet of a common border between the political subdivisions;• allows counties with a charter form of government to issue noise ordinances;• prohibits a person from offering financial inducements in exchange for an appointment to any municipal office; and• sets minimum standards for confinement in jails.A majority of the fifty amendments proposed on the House floor today were adopted. It is likely that the Senate will request the House to convene a conference committee rather than accept all of today’s changes. Differences must be resolved and final votes cast in both legislative bodies before the week’s end.

So the bill still has a ways to go. I can't confirm as of this writing whether anything was changed regarding the compensation issue. I am waiting for confirmation, however can say my Rep. said there was significant discussion regarding that issue.

Stay tuned for more.

Friday, May 11, 2007


I just received an email from Past President Jimmy Platt alerting us to the plans for the final week of the legislative session which ends a week from today.

Two bills has our main focus, one being HB 125 which is over in the Senate, and SB22 which is on the House side. Both bills are expected to be read a third time and debated early in the week. There is no way to know a specific time as to when the bills will be brought to the floor so having some people waiting in the wings is crucial to our success.

Steve Holt (Jasper) has a block of rooms at the Capital Plaza but he needs to know as soon as possible if you will be needing to make an overnight stay. Call Steve now at the number in the directory he so aptly designed and handed out at conference.

For the newcomers to the Association, your help is also needed and the final week of session is a great time to learn some of the methods to the madness of legislating bills. It's also a great time to buy your favorite veteran collector a free meal!!!! We generally meet in the 3rd floor rotunda and at times there is some hurry up and wait. But when it hits the fan there is precious time to act and being on site and ready is essential.

HB 125 deals with some tax sale language while SB22 is the county omnibus bill which includes language dealing with compensation for collecting municipality taxes.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Tax Sale

O.K. time to get the comments button at the end of this story and let me know.......

Where are you on tax sale eligible properties? We started the day with 471 eligible parcels.

How many do you have?

Leave your name, county, and number of eligible parcels.

No, I'm not offering steak knives as a participation gift...however, on the positive side it doesn't cost .99 cents a minute to play either.

SB22 Update

Senate bill 22 was brought to the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday for third reading and passage.

After introducing the bill it was immediately put to the side for future consideration.

What that action does is prohibit any additional amendments from being attached to the bill. It was placed back on the informal calendar and is expected to be debated for 2 hours sometime between now and the end of session.

As far as our work on the bill there really isn't much to report other than efforts continue and we'll see how things go down to the wire.

One Dip or Two?

To the delight of our friends in the House and Senate, their assistants, and even some collectors who enjoyed a quick bowl, the annual Ice Cream Social was a big hit on Wednesday.

Past President Jimmy Platt (Bates), 3rd Vice President Debbi McGinnis (Polk), Treasurer Brent Karhoff (Knox), and Secretary Janice Varner (Barry) led the way as 10 strong arms scooped up about 15 gallons of ice cream.

Vanilla, Chocolate, and Pralines & Cream were the choices and even a few combinations were offered on demand.

The event of course offered an opportunity to thank those that help us through the year and is one that helps separate us from other associations. A big thanks to Legislative Consultant Mark Ausmus for arranging for the delivery of the tables and ice cream!

Thanks to all who sacrificed a perilous trip through raging flood waters to serve a scoop and a smile! (o.k....the raging flood waters might be a little dramatic...but we DID see some sandbags!)

Monday, May 7, 2007

Joke Of The Week

It's Tuesday...That means it's time for the joke of the week!!!!

History was made this past Saturday at the run for the roses..the Kentucky Derby. For the first time in its more than century old tradition the race featured a horse that was half blind.

That's right, Storm In May is completely blind in one eye. The big day also marked the first time a jockey used a long 6 foot red and white pole moving from side to side in front of the horse as a whip.

The organizers of the Derby refused to buck every tradition. Each year before the race begins the Marine Corps Band plays My Old Kentucky Home...this year to honor Storm In May the horses' owners wanted the band to play Sammy Davis Jr's "candyman".

Storm In May finished out of the money....not only a disappointment for those who wagered the outcome..but also, the loss ended any hopes the horse had of teaming with Mr. Ed on the hit reality show "Dancing With The Stars"...becoming the latest contestant to dance with a prosthesis.

SB22 Update

Once the legislators close their recess at 2:00 SB22 is among those on the house calendar for a third reading.

Remember I told you the two hour limit for debate with each side receiving one hour of actual talk time to debate the bill.

If I am correct this is the final chance for any alterations to be made to the SB22 document. If approved by the house with no change the bill will be known as "Agreed to and finally passed" and sent to Governor Blunt's office for signature.

Please use the comments section to enlighten me if needed!

Military Personal Property Tax

Remember the bill Skip Rich (Cole) told us about, HJR 6, which would upon voter approval waive personal property taxes for active military personnel?

It goes to a perfection hearing today after being unanimously (8-0) voted back in April DO PASS by the rules committee.

As stated in the summary, "The bill exempts the personal property taxes for a vehicle not used while a soldier is on active military duty." It goes on to say, "The tax is forgiven for only the year the soldier is gone."

The house ends its weekend recess at 2:00 today.

Stay tuned for more!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Update On SB22

Thanks in advance to Senator Kevin Engler (3rd District-Farmington) as he has mentioned interest in trying to help us with the amendment in SB22 which deals with compensation for collecting for municipalities.

Past President Jim Platt (Bates) and President Sharon Cockrum (Clinton) are asking for a list of counties that currently have contracts to collect for municipalities. Send them to them immediately as time is critical.

Just this week SB22 was voted and reported DO PASS by the House Rules Committee. It is awaiting its trip to the floor for final debate and has been assigned a time limit of 2 hours.

On The Mend

Spoke with Sheila Wyatt (Taney) today and she says her recovery from her injuries suffered when she fell down some stairs at conference is going well.

She just today had her broken hand set and now begins the healing process. She is on antibiotics for the stitches needed to close a cut on her knee.

She was quick to thank everyone for their thoughtfulness and concern.

Get well soon Sheila!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Last Reminder

Steve Holt (Jasper) wants me to remind you that if you have plans to attend next weeks ice cream extravaganza and are planning to spend the night before at the capital plaza you need to book your room immediately. The Capital Plaza staff wants Steve to release as many rooms as possible so the hotel can book them.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Joke of the Week

Is it going to be Billy Ray Cyrus or John Ratzenberger? They are believed to be the leading candidates as the next celebrity dancer booted off the hit reality show "Dancing With The Stars".

Former Miss USA 2004 Shandi Finnessey was among the first contestants booted off..Finnessey complained afterword that she thought the show involved wearing a bikini and answering questions about world peace...

Clyde Drexler, who was voted one of the 50 greatest basketball players of all time never stood a chance. It was obvious Clyde "The Glide" did his best work with his feet off the ground...

and finally, last week in a shocker Activist Heather Mills who wowed audiences by dancing despite doing so with a prosthetic leg became the fifth celebrity sent packing....the paparazzi swarmed Mills asking if she was upset about being knocked out of the competition...Mills responded with no comment...adding she didn't want to put her foot in her mouth...

Happy Birthday

A new month is upon us. Time to celebrate those with May birthdays.

Twila Harper (Clark County)- May 1st

Debbi McGinnis (Polk County)- May 18th

If you have a birthday in May let me know and I will update this posting.

For that matter send me your birthdate, year born not important, to
and I will add you to the list.